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Question: Looking for a book, only have vague title!.!.!.!?
It was featured in Readers Digest a few years back, and the title is something along the lines of "Intuition: The warning signs that keep us from harm"
I've tried WHSmiths, Waterstones etc but they don't show anything!.

Just wondering if anyone knows this book and could give me the title to make my search easier!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It sounds as though it might be The Gift of Fear: And Other Survival Signals That Protect Us from Violence by Gavin De Becker

Here is the brief description!.!.!.

Perhaps we have a bad feeling about someone we've just met, or a little gnawing perception that a situation just doesn't "feel right," or perhaps even a fear that a co-worker might do something harmful!. What de Becker, renowned expert on violent behavior, explains here is that instead of shrugging off these fears, we need to listen to them, see why we're having them, and act accordingly!. Far from being silly intuitions, often these can truly show when something is wrong and violence might be imminent; if listened to, along with information about how violent people behave, these feelings might protect us from harm!.Www@QuestionHome@Com