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Question: Twilight: I'm just curious!.!.!.!?
erm i just want to know!.!.!.
if you can have any of what the cullens or anyone has like gifts and stuff,
what would you have!?!?

I would prob have Edwards
mind reading power
or his speed


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would want to have Edward's power!. I'd want to read everyone's minds and see what they're thinking!. It would be kind of cool to see what people actually think about something, rather than listen to what they say! So yeah, I'd love to have Edward's power!.!.!.

I love sara m's idea of being able to have all of the powers! Maybe that power would go into a gifted person's mind and make somewhat of a blueprint of their power, thus enabling you to obtain their power! I love the sound of that!

Love, rwf! : )

? Harry Potter (and Twilight) Forever ?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi Jess

I reckon it would be vry cool to have edwards power but i dnt knw if knowing what everyone thought would drive me crazy sometimes - especially if they were bad thoughts
also does this include (warning!!!! spoiler for breaking dawn!!!) bella - i'd love to have her power - won't say exactly what just in case lol
also just being totaly gorgeous n fast n all that is being a vampire would probs be enough for me lololol

From Jess xWww@QuestionHome@Com

even though non of the cullens of anyone else in the books have this gift i would want to have the power to obsorb other peoples gifts so i could have everyones Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would like Alice's power!.!.!. I think it would be so cool to be able to see the future!. It would be helpful in so many ways!.

Hope this helps :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Does Esme have a power!? It seems like all she does is put her head between her hands!. ALL THE TIME!.

Maybe her power is being a perfect housewife!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward by far,
he is fast,
can read minds,
gorgeous and of course,
DAZZLING ?Www@QuestionHome@Com

arnt all vampires
dazzling & fast!?
& i would have either Alice or Edward (:
NO! or renesmee's!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would want Edwards!

jaspers is cool too! i like it because i can calm people down in a fight and there would be more happy people!


I would want Bella's!. She can protect herself and everyone around her!. AND Edward can't get into her head!.!.!. unless she wants him to!. Which is awesome, of course!. ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Defiantly Edward!! Www@QuestionHome@Com

and carslieWww@QuestionHome@Com

all in one ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com