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Question: A novel question: Help!?
How do I put details into my story to make it interesting without over doing it!?

I want to make it interesting enough to make people want to read more!.!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I just finished reading a book called "Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment!." It's the first in a four book series (and still growing!.) James Patterson, the author, decides not to give any physical description of any of the characters until the SECOND BOOK!. And, yet, it's on the NYC bestseller list!. When you write, you have to think of the reader!. Pages of detail are boring and, if you get published, will get cut in the editing process!. Many authors have written great books where the characters are either

a!.) Not described
b!.) Barely given any physical description

I once read a book where it said that Hemingway was able to describe a character using the character's emotions and personality!. This is what every author should aspire the accomplish!. Knowing who the character is is much more important than knowing that they had "straight blonde hair with 2 1/2 of dark brown roots showing!."
But, if you do feel that you need to describe a character, the maximum would be no more than two or three sentences!. And, unless it's very important, we don't need to know what they are wearing!.
Good luck! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i am a young writer and i understand what you mean!. i find that it helps to make it funny as well as whatever genre your doing like mine which is a murder mystery!. i just add in some funny remarks and i find that it makes people really like your characters and want to read more!. also a twist at the end never hurts!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sit your ******* *** down, and ******* write!. Stop asking questions in here!. Read and write!. The more you write, the more you'll discover how to do things!. This means "getting better"!. And it only happens when you work on it!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

well just type it up on the computer, and add discriptive details on the items in the book!. Www@QuestionHome@Com