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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Help finding the title of a book from a while ago... ?

Question: Help finding the title of a book from a while ago!.!.!. !?
Back in the 80's or early 90's a read a few books by an author!.

One book was about a society that survived a nuclear fallout!.!.!. and one group lived under ground in fallout shelters, while a second group lived above ground, mutated and generations later the two societies meet up!.!.!.

A second book was about aliens that came to earth, crashed and so the spirits took over the bodies of the creatures on the planet, and the effect was that each generation became more and more beautiful!. And then another surivivor who was on a spaceship somewhere wakes up and discovers what has happened, and that the people had crashed on a planet who's surface was unstable (volcanoes and earthquakes)!.!.!. (the title might have been something like MOONSONG but I've searched for that and can't find it!. I think the cover artwork had a picture of a face in the surface of the moon)

The books were in the young adult section of my library (which I no longer live near), and the author had written at least three books!. The last name was somewhere in the middle of the alphabet!.!.!.

I wanted to find these books, and so if you have any idea of who wrote them,I would really appreciate it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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You may try the forum links below , I hope you find your book - good luck !.