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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Describe some of the main challenges you face as a writer. ?

Question: Describe some of the main challenges you face as a writer!. !?
Describe some of the main challenges you face as a writer and explain how you plan to help yourself overcome these challenges!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's not a major problem and I believe I can overcome it - but I find "fixing" the plot and getting it together quite hard!. I strive for a well-rounded and believable story, so I guess that's why! I plan to overcome it by focusing on the planning, the character devlopment, the real "nitty gritty" rather than the creative writing!.


Finding the right pencil, #1, #2,#3 or #4!. Then should the pencil be plain or with an eraser!? If I have to buy a separate eraser should it be all pink or pink or white!? Should I also get an eraser for ink!?!. Then the paper!.White, yellow!? Plain or ruled!? Screw it, I'm going to the library!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

facing the blank page!. (you take a deep breath & jump in)

overcoming the internal editor who criticizes every word & insists it's not good enough!. (encourage the other voices in your head to talk over it)

getting productions!. (just keep sending out scripts over & over & over)

(i'm a playwright)Www@QuestionHome@Com

My main problem is actually finding time to DO the writing!. I'm going to designate a set time that is Writing Time, no matter what, as soon as I decide what time is best!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've started writing several novels but I never finish them!. It really takes a lot of work and dedication to get through one which I guess is why I admire people who have done that!. Www@QuestionHome@Com