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Question: Naming your children after your favorite book or movie!?
Would you!?
Would they all be from the same book or movie!?

What book or movie would you pick!?
What names!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
LOL, if your name is really Kayleigh, did your parents name you after the '80s song, Kayleigh!? People did - never heard of Kayleigh until the song!.

I don't think I'd name a child of mine after a book character just because I liked the character!. But there are a couple of names I first encountered in books!.

For years wanted to name a son Jasper - from the little righ boy in The Five Little Peppers and How They Grew!. (NOT from Twilight!) I just loved the name, still do!.

I also love the name Taniquel from The Bloody Sun, but I probably wouldn't choose it for a daughter!. Maybe for a pet!?


It depends!. I often read a book and love the name of the main character, but if the book/movie were really popular, I wouldn't name my child after the character!. Then people would know where I got the idea!.

I loved the name Nathaniel after reading The Amulet of Samarkand!.

I wanted my children to be named Marguerite and Percy after reading The Scarlet Pimpernel!.

I actually considered Juliet after Romeo and Juliet!.

After The Lord of the Rings, I decided my first boy would be named Sam!.

I'm still thinking about Antony or Tobias (Toby) from Sweeney Todd!.

I know what you're thinking!. Marguerite and Tobias are going to kill me!.

Edit: I wouldn't name my children BECAUSE I liked a certain character!. But if I love the name, chances are I'll keep it!. And yes, I do actually love the names Percy and Tobias!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your favorite book or movie can easily change!.!. Name your child after a name you love, not because you loved the book the character was in!.

I have a friend named Jasper - and people now associate him with Jasper Whitlock in Twilight - which is very unfortunate!.

Be considerate - Don't name your children ridiculous things you see in a movie or read from a book!.

I mean, I enjoyed the Gemma Doyle trilogy - but i'm not going to name my son Kartik just because I liked the character!. I wouldn't want him to be made fun of in school, because of his name!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ahh, no!.

JK Rowling says her favorite boy's name is Harry!. Not mine!. Not now!. Not ever!. If I coincidentally liked the name and the character I would but, probably keep the character out of my explanation to people; they'll most likely find it extremely odd!.

Hmm!.!. now that could cause rivalries!. MOM, WHY IS HE EDWARD AND I'M JACOB!. Separate books to avoid literary battles!.

I love the Harry Potter books but, I find nothing in the names!. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny none of them do anything for me!. I have an affection for family names or commonly uncommon -IF that makes sense- things that can spawn nick-names nicely!.


hmmm!. i would!. i'd never name ALL my children after my characters in my favorite book or movie, cause that'd be a little obsessive, but one or two, why not!?

right now, i'm absolutely in love with the name bella!.!.!. yes, from the twilight series!. i wasn't like extremely fond of bella in the series, but i think that name is so pretty!.!.!. i don't like the name isabella, where the name comes from, but if i were to have a girl right now!.!.!. i just might name her bella :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wouldn't but I know some people who would!. There is even the one girl who claims she is going to name her kid after a corny computer game character!. As for me, I'll just randomly pick out a name that sounds nice!.
btw I think this is in the wrong section, there is one on baby naming, or something!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

lol !.
I'd name my son Harry!.
I dont think its embarrasing for him to be named Harry!. and plus as you may have notice, im a huge fan of Harry Potter and that book will always be my favorite, since it brings me positive changes ever since i read the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know about kids, but definitely my pets!. My cats are Penn (after author Robert Penn Warren) and Caddie (after Caddie Compson from "The Sound and the Fury")!. I desperately want a golden retriever and his name will be Conrad (after author Joseph Conrad)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would name my girl
Eowyn ( Lord of the Rings)
Ginny(Harry Potter)
Evelyn(Pearl Harbor)
Katara(avatar the last airbender)

Harry (Harry Potter)
Ron (Harry Potter)
Fred/George (if i have twins lol) Harry Potter
Zuko(the avatar)Www@QuestionHome@Com

My best friend was named after the boy in The Never Ending Story!.

If I did name my kid after someone from a book or movie, it'd be:
Edward (not after Edward Cullen)