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Question: Name of story setting!?
I need help thinking of a name for a story setting!.
It has to be made up and sound really remote!.
I was thinking Oakwood Bay!. Opinions!?

Thanks in advance :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I immediately thought of Oakland by the San Francisco Bay, Oakland Hills near San Diego, and that is only around the areas where I grew up!.
Perhaps a different kind of tree is less familiar than an oak, though 'Ashland' is taken by Oregon, redwoods and sequoias linked always to a national park or two or three, etc!.
Even Myrtle Beach is well-known!.
Hmm, again!.

Elderbox Bay, Juniper Bay, Conifer Cove, Eucalyptus Bay, Birch Bay, Gingko Bay!.!.!. and I've run out of ideas here!.!.!.
Luck with your search!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oakwood Bay sounds very very dull and boring - unless that's what you're aiming for!?

Just off the top of my head -
Wicheska (Wish-eh-ska)

I love that - it has a nice ring to it!
Good luck with the story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oakwood sounds familiar and close and friendly!.
There is an island off Scotland called Stornaway - it sounds remote and bleak and 17th century!.
Keep trying
Best wishesWww@QuestionHome@Com