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Question: Harry Potter question!?!?!?
Well , i haven't read the all HP books!.!.!.but i'm sure that in neither of the 7 books isn't mentioned Harry Potter and his degree of attractiveness !.
This may sound weird , but i mean that he isn't described as being handsome , good looking , plain , ugly etc!.!.!.!.
But if I'm correct it was once told by Pansy Parkins that he's not good looking , and she insulted Cho's bad taste , that was in OOTP , on Harry's and Cho's first date!.
Maybe because the series are told from Harry's point of view , it isn't often insinuated!.
What do you think!?

xx ThanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Firstly we cannot say Daniel Radcliffe is Harry!. When I was 10 people told me I looked like Harry Potter so everyone interprets it differently!. His description was given very concisely in the first book!. Thin, jet black messy hair, green eyes, otherwise average boy; to you this could be ugly but, to another hey he could be Brad Pitt!. Each book is primarily written in the 3rd person meaning we're over Harry's shoulder!. He might think he's hideous we wouldn't know unless he tells somebody!. Pansy Parkinson was poorly attempting to get a rise out of Harry by telling everyone how ugly Harry was; we can't take her very seriously!. In my mind I have a crystal portrait of Harry he's average!. On the street he'd be your normal guy not hideous and hot overly attractive!.
Again though, this is a very subjective question!. Jo never tells us on a scale of 1-10 that part of the story is left up to our imaginations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well, I think firstly one needs to note that Harry is a modest person!.!.!.and it is important to remembver that in the sixth book, Hermione describes HARRY AS QUITE DESIRABLE! So your point that he is never really described as attractive is slightly flawed!. However, you do have a point, it is written form Harry's perspective!. However, it is important to remember that Harry has a sorta nerd-look about him!. The glasses and all!. So for people who like Pansy, Harry wouldnt be good looking!. However, this does not make him unattractive!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

He's described as a skinny boy with jet black hair and green eyes!. She doesn't ever really say whether he's handsome or anything or not!. Pansy Parkinson may have just been saying that because she's a Slytherin brat!.!.!.!.

But you're right!. Since it's told from Harry's pov, even though it's in third person, I don't think she would have really said anything else about his looks!. BUT James Potter was supposed to be handsome, so I'm guessing that Harry was too!. People always say he "looks just like James, except you've got your mother's eyes!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

It mentioned a few times how girls were attracted to him, but I don't think they ever came out and said he was good looking!. It was just kind of implied that as he got older, girls thought he was more attractive!.
Pansy Parkinson was a Slytherin!. One of his enemies!. So she was just looking for ways to be malicious!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, Harry seems like a very modest person!. He already has loads of attention on him!. I don't think he's the type of person to look in a mirror and tell himself that he his handsome or anything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Technically, the series isn't told from Harry's point of view!. hes just there!. like in the 6th book in the beginning, thats snape!. ginny obviously thinks hes good lookingWww@QuestionHome@Com

maybe its because he wasnt good looking!.!.!.!.i mean, look at the films!. youd have to be CRAZY to think daniel radcliffe is good looking!.
or i think your theory is right - because its his story, its almost like in 1st person!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I suppose Harry's physical features weren't important!. Something slightly irrelevant, but it's to be inferred that he's not extremely!. He was always smaller than usual-thin kinda!. But I dunno really!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

watch the movie, in the books its confusing, but girls date himWww@QuestionHome@Com