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Question: When writing a story!?
When writing a story is it okay to use a real place but invent what it looks like!? For example, I have used Gearhart, Oregon in my story but, the actual place doesn't have a high school which is one of the main components of my story!. Do I have to change the setting or can I just add a high school in!?

Thank you in advance!. :) Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Maybe you could just make up a new name of the town and call your invented town a suburb of Gearhart!. Or maybe you don't even need to use Gearhart by name, you could just say "a suburb in Oregon" or something like that!. I think it's risky to invent elements in a real place, since people do actually live there and might point it out!.

Maybe you could use the name of a tree or part of nature with an adjective!. Like High Rapids or Grand Willows!. I don't know, sorry, haha!.


not really!.
i'd just make up the city!. much less complicated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com