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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Top five favorite characters of the twilight saga?

Question: Top five favorite characters of the twilight saga!?
it doesn't matter who they are or if you put more then five go ahead!.!.!. or even if u want to explain your top favorites thats fine with me!.!.!. its just your opinion you could even put the top five people you hate from the twilight series i just curious on other people's favorite characters

Here are my top favorties
1!. Edward
2!. Alice
3!. Bella
4!. Renesmee
5!. Jacob
It may not be perfect or even your top favorites but these are my favorties, what are yours!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Bella!. shes the main character and we hear almost everything from her point of view so i'm inclined to like her!.
2!. Alice!. shes so funny and full of personality!. i wish a lot of people were like her!. the world would be a better place!.
3!. Edward!. again, he's another main character!. he's also so selfless to have left bella, even though it annoyed me to no end!.
4!. Emmett!. he's hysterical! every scene with him in it has some humor!. he'd be further up, except he loves Rosalie, who i cannot stand!
5!. Aro!. he is really cool!. so evil, but acts kind and butterflies and rainbows when he's a killer!.
Well, there are my top five!. I hope i helped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mine are , not in this exact order!.!.!.
1!. Bella- because she is the main character !
2!. Edward- because he is a sparkly vampire and also one of the main characters!
3!. Jacob- because he is awesome! and a hot werewolf!
4 !.Alice- because her personality is so cool! I love parties and shopping !
5 !.Renesmee - because who couldn't like someone named Nessie!? lol
cool we both have the same favorite characters!
also if I can add a sixth I'd have to say
6!.Seth Clearwater- because he is the nicest werewolf ever! ( Breaking Dawn)Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Jacob (because he's kinda normal and he's not cold but Edward is way way sexier than Jacob!.)
2!. Edward (just because he's mainly the hero in the book and he's dead sexy)
3!. Bella (because she's the innocent chick that gets brought into the vampire mess!. I feel bad for her haha!.)
4!. Alice (she's just awesome lol)
5!. Jasper (he's sexy too)

JACOB: just because hes a freekin werewolf and a hot one at that!.
EDWARD: because hes awsome and one of the main characters!.
ANGELA: she's the only person on the first day bella is at school who isnt thinking nasty thoughts and genuinly wants to be her friend!.
ALICE: who doesnt like alice!.
BELLA: because she's gotta be there somewhere!.

and if i had to choose a 6th it would be
PHIL: you dont hear alot about phil, i wanna know some more!.


1!. Edward- love his charm and manner
2!. Alice- great personality and just all around great
3!. Emmett- hilarious!!!
4!. Angela- kind and gives good advice(I would love her as a friend)
5!. Bella- sometimes irritating but is hilariously clumsy

I love this series!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Bella
2!. Edward
3!. Alice
4!. Emmet!.!.!.he's so funny, and I love his comments about Bella's, um, love life!.
5!. Angela

Top five I hate:
1!. Jacob
2!. Lauren
3!. Jessica

I don't really hate anyone else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!.Emmett- I dont think he gets enough attention in the books!. But I love his personality!. Its soo funny!.
3!.Edward- of course
4!.Angela- shes such a good friend and always has been to Bella

1!. alice[cause she is awesome]
2!.bella[the one i can relate to most]
5!.emett[funny guy]Www@QuestionHome@Com

5!.Jacob and Renesme tiedWww@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Edward and Emmett
2!. Bella
3!. Jacob
4!. Alice
5!. Esme

1) Alice
2) Jasper
3) Edward
4) Emmett
5) RenesmeeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Jacob and Renesmee (They're tied :D <3)Www@QuestionHome@Com

