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Question: Please help me with my fantasy novel!?
I've almost started writing on a fantasy novel!. Its quite similar to other fantasy books like Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter!. I was wondering what are you guys looking to read in a fantasy novel and what will appeal to you!. I will also be thankful if you would tell me what also you DON'T want to see in a fantasy novel!. I really want my book to a huge bestseller and appeal to everyone!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A good story with humor!. It may be impossible to appeal to everyone and you might write the net Phantom Menis trying!.
The story being good is more important than the genre and I like them mixed scifi/noir and fantasy/mystery
Good luck with the whole best seller thing!. The best books are not often the same as the best selling books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nothing that looks or feels like a pale imitation of the well-known novels that have gone before!. "Quite similar to" is exactly what I *don't* want to read!.

If you are going for magic, or kingdoms, there must be a real rationale behind them, and your own one at that!.
Why isn't everyone a wizard!? Why aren't wizards all-powerful!?

An example good answer I have come across: it takes energy, and so fire becomes an adjunct to working magic, (so powerful wizards live by volcanoes!.!.!.)

What I want: a world that isn't thrown together like a kit, for the convenience of the plot or characters, with powers and artifacts turning up as required!.
I'm very tempted to say build your world first, (at least in your mind, not at all necessarily to be set out in the novel at boring length) before following what happens to any *particular* people in it!.

There are only so many plots, (see below)
But you should find some sparks below!.
so much depends on the setting, the characters and the dialogue!.


i think Bill Cosby said if you try to please everyone all the time you end up pleasing no one most of the time---a GOOD fantasy novel takes the reader into YOUR world!.

i think the major downfall of most fantasy novels is that they are too imitative of the more sucessful book, i!.e!., LOTR and HP!.

You gotta get a VISION and go from there!.

Look at Lovecraft: HIS stuff is really difficult to read, but you get lost in HIS worlds and therefore are willing to DO the reading!.

Hey, i got a lot of great reviews for MY book [ here's one of them: http://grumpyoldbookman!.blogspot!.com/200!.!.!. ] and THAT was written for the sheer love of writing, and because i had a story to tell!.

Only one i know of that copies other people and make a good living off of it is Dean Koontz, the master @ plagarising Stephen King:DWww@QuestionHome@Com

I like fantasy!. !.!. just don't make a crap story!. !. that would help alot!. !.
btw!. !. i'm also trying to write about fantasy!. !. wanna work together!? How bout that eh!?

email me
to ernie g!. !. i believe when he say similar to LOTR and HP is the term of fantasy!. !. other menaing of fantasy is you know what I mean!. !. LOTR and HP are same kind btw!. !. just a different story!. !. dude!. !. !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Write what YOU want to write!. It's impossible to judge the public taste!. If you try to conform to what others want, you'll fall flat every time!. The story won't be 'you!.' Forget 'Lord' and 'Potter!.' Let's hear what Hoffie says!. Let's read Hoffie's imagination!. That'll be far more interesting!.
Good luck!. I hope you write a blinder of a book!.
Mike B Www@QuestionHome@Com

It won't work if its similar to Harry Potter!. There have been many HP ripoffs and a Lord Of the Rings ripoff just won't sell!.
You have to make it unique not like Bridge to Terabithia!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I went to a thing with school and Meg Rosoff was telling us about her career etc!. She said the first book she wrot was about horses and sex!. (lol!)
So maybe!.!.!. unicorns bonking up and down on eachother!? :P

I wouldn't like to read cheesy stuff :SWww@QuestionHome@Com

hay it's good that you are writ ting your own book it sounds good so far not sure what to say about this book that would help to get it started but good luck with your book any Www@QuestionHome@Com

How on earth are Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter similar!? (Besides the fact that they are both printed on paper)Www@QuestionHome@Com

You do know it takes years to write a book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you may write anything you want but it had to contain a bit of humorWww@QuestionHome@Com

nothing dude