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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I can't seem to recall the title of this book?

Question: I can't seem to recall the title of this book!?
It had to do with the main character drawing brain maps!. He thought about killing himself, but checked into a hospital where he met interesting people, there was one girl he came to like and she had scars on her face!. I can't remember what this book was called!. The cover is yellow and has a "brain map" on it!. Can you help me!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
'Kind of a Funny Story' by Ned Vizzini :)
It's a really good novel, and I'm glad
that you had read it before!

I'd suggest you to try out 'Be More Chill'
by Ned Vizzini, too, if you haven't read it already :)

here's his website : http://www!.nedvizzini!.com/Www@QuestionHome@Com