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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Why isn't Stephanie Meyer making anymore books after breaking dawn? (Besides

Question: Why isn't Stephanie Meyer making anymore books after breaking dawn!? (Besides Midnight Sun) !?
There has to be a good reason why!. These are my fave books ever!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
she is officially done with books from bella's pov, because the last page of breaking dawn says 'the end!.' lol!. and she also said that she felt closure; she had a story to tell, and tell it she did :) i know that we have midnight sun to look forward to, but i don't know if she will do the other three books from edward's pov or not!.!.!.i really hope she does!. i'm gonna miss edward and bella so much *cries* she may do a few side stories though; like more on alice & jasper's story!.!.!.their meeting and journey to find the cullens and all that!. and i also heard that she might do one from renesmee's pov!.!.!.that would be interesting!. but i hope she does more from edward's pov!!!! and yes, they are definitely my favorite books as well :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

BD is te last on Bella's POV, but SM also said that she may write a book in Leah or Nessie's POV! She also said she might write about Alice and Jasper! So i'm guessing there is a lot more to come in the next few years!

Mine please!


Well, like the first answerer said,
She's thinking of making more from Either Renessmee, Leah!.Alice, or Jasper's POV!.
She said that she's done with Bella's, Because she feels that Bella and Edward's story has been told!.
I'm gonna miss them though!.]=Www@QuestionHome@Com

MAYBE, just maybe she doesn't want people to get tired of having to read 50 books of the same story!. There is a such thing as overdone!. Adding more books could be crucial to the series!.


I don't think she is(crying)!!!!! she said she was going to write about stupid mermaids and time machines!. ewww she needs to write about edward and bella some more!. But there is going to be a official guide coming out! hope that helped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well what more can she do to the story!? but she can write about nessie and any of the other characters or even write a new series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com