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Question: Questions about writing a book!?
I want to write and publish a book in English!. I'm 14!. I'm an Arab and living in Dubai but I know how to write English pretty well and I have so many good ideas!. The problem is i'm scared that nobody will buy it!. also, how much does editing and publishing a book cost!?[ No problem if its in $ ] ThanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You know, you could always get a good friend to help you edit!. There are Ghost Writers that edit, but its always pretty expensive!. $3,000 to $8,00!.
Vanity Press costs a pretty penny, too!. about 1,000 for a couple of copies!.
If i were you, I'd do it the old fashoned way, type up a query, and send it to agents!. Agents will represent your manuscript and send it to publishers!. Publishers will give you an advance and royalties (you GET money rather than PAYING!.)
Good luck! Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should write it!. Every author has
fears, but hey write anyway!. You must,
first, believe in yourself, and dreams will
come true!.

Write on! your chances are as good as any other new author's!.

If it's a reputable publisher, THEY pay YOU!. Don't know about editors!.Www@QuestionHome@Com