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Question: Do you think romeo and Juliet!?
was intended to be a grand love story or just Shakespeare's way of mocking people who obsess over love and act on temporary feelings of giddiness which are based on lust rather than real love

friar Lawrence quote to romeo:' my dear boy, i scolded you for obsessing over Rosalind, not living her'

i just never got the impression that it was supposed to be a love story


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I thought it was retarded that they were talking to themselves the whole time and were supposedly "talking to each other"

None of the girls in my class thought soWww@QuestionHome@Com

that's true, it was all a little far-fetched, I mean they're 13 and they fell in to-die-for love in 3 days!? it all seems way too exaggerated fake love that could be meant mockingly, but then again remember the time that Shakespeare wrote it, where people married of their 11 year kids to 35 your old people for money, so falling in love and getting married that soon at that young might have just been something he imagined to be a nice plausible fantasy to him, plus all of his works were really over-dramatic, so!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I kinda agree with you
i mean how can they just fall in like seriously in love as soon as they see each other
thn got married in a few days thn killed themselves
im sorry but this is a way of shakespeare trying to mock people and thats not reli rightWww@QuestionHome@Com

Romeo and Juliet was shakesperes way of mocking family fueding!. just think about it why couldn't romeo and juliet be together!? becuase of their heritages,Www@QuestionHome@Com