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Question: What would be a good pen
I am looking for a good pen name for myself!.
My name is Christopher Wesley Joyner!.
And I like to write, and am looking for a good pen name to use!.
I thought about Christopher Wesley,
Christopher Joyner will not do!. I will be misunderstood for another person!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You could do Wesley Joyner!.
I actually like that the best!.
There are a bajillion authors (and people with the first name Christopher!.)

You could do something like Chris(topher) Wesley, or C!. Wesley Joyner, or something!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, all of the names suggested by the answerers above me sound good!. But if you're looking for something a little different, why not make an anagram from your name!.
E!.g!. Christopher Wesley Joyner could become Peter Riley John Wycley!.
Just mix and match names until you come up with something you like!.

:) Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some suggestions:
Christopher Wesley
Christopher John Wesley (look up John Wesley, John Wesley Powell)
Wesley Christopher
Wes Christopher
Christopher West
C!.J!. Wesley
C!.J!. West
Christopher Weston
C!.J!. Weston
C!.W!. Joyner
Wes Joyner

Happy deciding!.


Wesley Joynerd (yes, I know that there is an extra D there) sounds nice, but I doubt you'll go for that, so I've included two links to generate pen names!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Christian Wayne
Bruce Wayne Johnson
Wesley Crusade
Chris Calloway (sounds cool for a writer)
C!. Weston
Charles Weston
Charlton WestonWww@QuestionHome@Com

Chris W J sounds so cool to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com