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Question: What is happening to the book (Twilight) that was written from Edward's point of view!?
Is it being published, or was it simply stated that Stephanie Meyer started writing it that way first!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"Midnight Sun", or the first book of Edward's point of view, started out as a character exercise for Stephenie Meyer!. She says that once she ties the main saga together she will continue to finish the book!. Although she said this, she has been writing the rough draft for publishing before polishing her other work!. You can find the rough draft first chapter at her website under Midnight Sun!. also, there are more updates about it located there!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's called Midnight Sun!. It's being published!. She started it as a character development exercise and now it's going to be a book!. The first 12 chapters are leaked and they are fantastic!. They're better than the books from Bella's pov!. It's really, really good!. And the link is the real thing!. It's not a fanfic! You just have to read to see that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's called "Midnight Sun", & it's going to be the last addition to the Twilight Saga!. Stephenie Meyer has started writing it (you can read the first chapter on her website at stepheniemeyer!.com) but it won't be released for a while!. She's too busy to get much done with it since the movie started!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As the other posters said, it's called "Midnight Sun" and there's no scheduled release date as of yet!. You can read the first chapter here: http://www!.stepheniemeyer!.com/pdf/midnig!.!.!. I read it the other day and I can't wait for when it does come out!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Midnight Sun and the first 12 chapters were leaked!.
I think Smeyer leaked them herself since she lost so many fans with Breaking Dawn she wants to see if people even want Midnight Sun anymore!.
When Breaking Dawn leaked her publishers from Little Brown were ALL OVER US but when part of Midnight Sun leaked!.!. they don't care at ALL!. Strange, no!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

She's going to publish it, you can read the unedited first chapter on her website!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

she said she will publish it
and its called midnight sun!.
you can read the first un-edited chapter there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Midnight Sun (Twilight from Edward's POV) is still being written!.!.!.but im pretty sure that in the end Stephenie is going to publish it!! YAY!!!


MIDNIGHT SUNWww@QuestionHome@Com