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Question: Looking to get noticed as an author!?
for those who know i posted some of my story on this site, i want someone to notice me!. i want to start a career as an author but i have no clue how to start!. i only know how to write!. PLEASE HELP ME OUT!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First, in order to be an author you must have sold work for publication!. Unfortunately, just having people read your work doesn't make you an author!. It does make you a writer, and that is the key to all of this!.

The best way to get noticed is to get your work published!. At that point you start marketing and promoting!. You can do a web search for "Book Marketing" and learn all you need to know!. THis is VERY important to building your credibility as an author!.

While you are trying to get published you should be developing a web site and an Internet presence - this is a good place to start, but not everyone will take you seriously, especially with all the improper grammar and stuff in your post!. Would you rad a book by someone who doesn't even capitalize their I's!?

I am not being mean, but I see so many posts on here about people who want to be authors but they refuse to use proper capitalization or punctuation!. This is a bad sign and readers will see that!. Remember, everything you put on the net STAYS on the net, so if you are serious about this, it is time to clean up your writing!.

I hope this helps a little, and sorry if it seemed like I was picking on you!. Just don't want you to waste your time!. Time is precious, so if you are serious, I wish you the best of luck!

Karen Syed

The only way is practice, practice, practice!. And read, read, read!. To be noticed, you have to be a cut above the others, write stories that are very good!. The only way you'll do this is the read and practice method!. Perhaps concentrate on developing characters!. People a little out of the ordinary!.
Good luck
Mike BWww@QuestionHome@Com