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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Need sci fi book name. book is set in near future and the internet has evolved i

Question: Need sci fi book name!. book is set in near future and the internet has evolved into a true virtual reality!.!.!.!?
world!. people have almost real experience in this virtual reality!. The main characters are a professor of computers and her brilliant student who is from some tribe!. I believe this was a 3 book series!. Something is going on in the virtual world!. things are happening that shouldn't be!. Lost either the second or third book in this series years ago and alas, can't remember the important stuff!. Please help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Otherland by Tad Williams , perhaps !.

It is not a good idea to broadcast your ideas on here!. That said, i think it's a great idea!. I actually HAD an idea similar to this one!. But I'll let you have it while I work on other projects, lmao!.

Call it something like
worldwide webs!?
Virtual deception,
lmao, Idk!. I'll get back to you, !. If you use my names, give me an honorable mention!.
good luck!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Star TrekWww@QuestionHome@Com