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Question: Stranger With My Face by Lois Duncan!? !?
Can anyone tell me or find me a summary of the entire book!? I started reading it and could not finish it because it was really boring and slow to me!. I just want to know what happened like if anyone got killed off or anything!. But yeah, can you help!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I love Lois Duncan and thought that Stranger With My Face was fantastic!. I really thought I was seeing myself everywhere after that!. I'd encourage you to try it out again and to work through whatever slow parts you find!.

I haven't read it for a few years, but I remember a bit of it!.

The main girl, Laurie, doesn't look anything like her family and thinks it's genetics!. Later on, she discovers she's been adopted and she was a twin!. She has no clue who or where her other half is!.

Her friends and family tell Laurie they've seen her doing weird things, but Laurie knows she definitely has not been doing the things they say!. Somehow, Laurie discovers it's her twin that's been doing the weird things, like going really far into the ocean!.

The twin is not there in person but by sending her soul out of her body!. She teaches Laurie how to do it and Laurie begins to visit her twin and everything!. It's not a good way for her to be because she's, obviously, not there, and people could think she's dead, etc!., etc!.

One day, Laurie leaves her body to visit her twin, but her twin is not where she's supposed to be, in an orphanage or something!. Then Laurie discovers that she can't get back into her body!.

Laurie's twin took over Laurie's body!.

The twin starts to mess with her family and her life!. Eventually, Laurie figures out that she has to use this sapphire necklace and do something or other that will destroy the twin from her body!. The details are fuzzy, but I believe Laurie had to inhabit the twin's body!.

In the end, Laurie gets her body back and fixes her life!.

Obviously, it's not a great summary, but I got some of the finer points!. I'm worried that I mixed up some details with other Duncan novels, but I'm pretty sure it went down in this fashion!.

Again, it's a great book, I highly recommend it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My favorite book that I read this year was Stranger with My Face by Lois Duncan!. This took place in modern days on an island!. Laurie is a teenage girl and is the main character in this book!. She also is the one who tells the story!. This book is full of wonder, sorrow, and happiness, and, at times, it makes you feel bad for Laurie!. Laurie's life becomes a big issue at this period when the book takes place!.
Laurie is a big wonderer in this book!. She wonders about why her younger sister and brother look like her parents and why she doesn't!. Laurie also wonders about why people have been saying that they have been seeing her in places when she was never there!. All of her wonders lead her into a fact about her life that her parents have never disgust with her before!. This book has a lot of sorrow in it when Laurie's friends don't believe her about not being in places that they have seen her in!. If I were Laurie, I would not want them as friends because they don't trust her!. The book Stranger with My Face is full of happiness when Laurie discovers a way to get her life back from the person who has taken it from her!. One of
her unknown relatives in this book takes her life and absolutely refused to give it back!. While I read this book, I found myself feeling very disgusted at some moments!. I never thought that someone could be so mean to their family members!. Laurie's twin sister, Lia, plays around with her mind, making her do things without thinking about them first!. For an example, she wanted Laurie to come out of her body so that Lia could go in it!. Lia made Laurie look for her out of her body, while Lia was going in Laurie's body!. The two of them learned how to go out of their bodies from their heritage!. It was called astral projecting in this book!. Astral projecting is when you lift your spirit out of your body!. That is also very
sad to know that a family member could do that to another family member!. Lia keeps doing horrible things to Laurie without Laurie knowing it!.
Finally, Laurie discovers a way to get her life to the way that she wants it!. Her idea works and she is happy with the way her new life is!. This book is a easy book to read and once you get into it you can't put the book down!.
I liked this book because it always makes you want to know what happens next!. I always wanted to know what was going to happen when Lia took over Laurie's life!. It was very exciting at that moment because I wanted to know if Laurie gets her life back or not!. This is a great book, and I recommend this book to who ever likes books that you can't put down!.

Student Book Review:

Stranger with my Face

by: Lois Duncan
