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Question: What is a good motivator!?

Basically, my life plan revolves around me being an author and I get depressed whenever I think that that may not happen, so I definitely want it to!. I have come up with a complicated plot for one novel and a massive back story for the setting of a series to write after that; I have been told by numerous people that I am a really good writer (good at the actual writing; it takes me quite a long time to come up with a plot but I suppose that's secondary; sorry to sound arrogant but I don't wanna com across as a wannabe author who can't write or anything) but the only thing I lack is the ability to concentrate on it!. I can be board for an entire day, by myself with nothing to do (yeah my life is depressing) and yet I find it difficult for one minute to sit down and even write one paragraph of a plot summary, always putting it off until later!.

Can someone please tell me what a good motivator / environment is to actually be able to will myself to do something useful other than watching House all the time and thinking 'Ill do a bit later'!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That happens to me all the time!. I watch House too when I should write!. haha!.
You should play classical music and sit for a little!. Close your eyes and picture your novel!. Then, when you get an idea, start writing it down!. Contnue your chapters to go up to that future idea!. You'll find yourself writing more when you have to get to a certain part of your novel!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

People who procrastinate never make it rich!.

I think of my goal, think baby steps and not the mountain in font of you!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Seems we both have the same problem!. I guess you just have to REALLY want it!. You have to push yourself!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, it's up to you!. You can be a great writer OR you can be an average blue collar with some dreams to become a writer!. If you feel lazy and think"oh, I'll do a bit later" that means deep deep inside you don't want to write!. What do you want then!? You want to be a writer but don't want to sit down and write!? Do you want to write so you become famous!? Or rich!? Why do you want to be a writer!?
If you really want to be a writer you have to set a goal!. You need to write 5 pages a day!. Every day!. Discipline is the key!. No one becomes successful at anything by sitting around and watching House!.Www@QuestionHome@Com