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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Lifetime harry potter fans...answer these trivias!?

Question: Lifetime harry potter fans!.!.!.answer these trivias!!?
if you are a true blue hp fan,answer these questions:

1!.)how long was peter pettigrew have been in possesion of the weasley family!?how many years!?

2!.)what are these people's patronuses:

*james potter
*lily dursley
*albus dumbledore
3!.)who is dumbledore's sister!?
4!.)who is the daughter of rowena ravenclaw!?
5!.)who is the ghost of hufflepuff house!?
6!.)who is the heir of slytherin!?
7!.)is harry potter a virgin!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!.)how long was peter pettigrew have been in possesion of the weasley family!?how many years!?
hmmm, 12

2!.)what are these people's patronuses:

*snape - DOE (smae as Lily's)

*james potter - STAG( I assume so, but they never definately say, because his was an animagi and turned into a stag, but whether his patronus was actually a stag, we'll never really know!. But I think it was

*lily dursley - Lily Dursley!? you probably mean Lily Evans right!? She was Petunia's sisiter, not Vernons!. But Her Patronus was a DOE)

*albus dumbledore - a PHOENIX!!!

*luna - A hare (In the movie it looks like a horse)

*seamus - A fox

*dean - To be really honest I have no Idea!.!.!.and my book isnt nearby so I cant check!! But to be honest I dont think they ever mention it!?! But I dont know!

*ron - Jack Russel terrier

*hermione - Otter

3!.)who is dumbledore's sister!?
- Ariana

4!.)who is the daughter of rowena ravenclaw!?
- Helena

5!.)who is the ghost of hufflepuff house!?
the fat friar
6!.)who is the heir of slytherin!?
Tom Riddle - Lord Voldermort

7!.)is harry potter a virgin!?
what!? Of coure he is!.!.!.well at least until the final book!.!.!.
BUT we dont really know what he and Ginny got up to "in the secluded part of the grounds" in the sixth book! So they both might not be virgins at the start of the sevenths book!! Lol!.!.!.BuT i DOUBT IT!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I had a go :)

1!.)how long was peter pettigrew have been in possesion of the weasley family!?how many years!? TWELVE

2!.)what are these people's patronuses:

*snape - DOE
*james potter - STAG
*lily dursley - DOE!? (thats not her maiden name!.!.!. and her name's lily potter anyway)
*albus dumbledore - phoenix
*luna - hare
*seamus - something hairy
*dean - doesnt say
*ron - terrier
*hermione - otter
3!.)who is dumbledore's sister!? ariana
4!.)who is the daughter of rowena ravenclaw!? helen ravenclaw
5!.)who is the ghost of hufflepuff house!? - fat friar
6!.)who is the heir of slytherin!? - tom riddle (voldemort)
7!.)is harry potter a virgin!? up until the epilogue, yes!. However it's obvious that he isn't in the epilogue because he has three childrenWww@QuestionHome@Com

1) twelve years, sirius said!. too long for a common garden rat i think hah!.
snape: doe, after lily
james: stag (after his animagi form)
lily EVANS, i think you mean: doe
albus: phoenix
luna: rabbit/hare
seamus: fox
dean: i dont know
ron: terrier haha
hermione: otter (:
3) ariana dumbledore
4) the grey lady, ravenclaw hous ghost, helena ravenclaw i think!?
5) the fat friar
6) not anymore, according to the deathly hallows!. he has three children: albus severus, lily luna (!?), and james!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1= 12


Some Hairy animal!.!.!.
Doesn't say as he wasn't in the DA until after I believe!.!.!.

3=Ariana or something!.!.!.!.

4=Helen Ravenclaw

5= The Fat Friar

6= Tom Marvolo Riddle better known as You-Know-Who or Voldemort!.

7= Yes from the 1-6 book but in book 7 in the epilogue he has 3 children who hold his and Ginny's appearances!.

=/ Why did I even do this!? Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. 12
Snape: Doe
James: Stag
Lily: Doe
Dumbledore: Phoenix
Luna: Hare
Seamus: Fox - or is that Dean!? Forgot
Ron: Terrier
Hermione: Otter
3!. Ariana
4!. Helen Ravenclaw - the Grey Lady
5!. The Friar
6!. Tom Riddle aka Voldemort
7!. Not at the end he isn't :)

this was fun Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. 12
Snape- Doe
James- Stag
Lily- Doe
Dumbledore- Phoenix
Luna- Hare
Seamus- Fox -
Ron- Terrier dog
Hermione- Otter
3!. Ariana
4!. the Grey Lady, ghost of ravenclaw
5!. The Friar
6!. Tom Riddle/ Lord Voldemort
7!. Not at the end he isn't where he has 3 children:)
