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Question: This is so dumb!. TWILIGHT !?!?!?!?'s!?
K, so I've read Twilight & New Moon
What in the H*ll does "imprinting" mean!? How does Jacob "imprint"!?
I know I've read about it, I just can't remember!. It has been quite some time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In Dune, imprinting is basically a method to control a man (imprinting is done by trained women) via highly orgasmic sex!.

However, in Twilight, imprinting is basically an inner reaction that 'werewolves' have that is translated to lust at first sight!. They can imprint on people at any age!. Everyone in the Twilight universe just HAS to find 'twu wuv,' it's ridiculous!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Imprinting is when a wolf first lays her/his eyes on someone and knows that he/she is the one who they're meant to be with!. When they find that someone, they cannot leave them!. If they did it would break their heart!.
You can't just suddenly imprint!. It happens only when that someone comes into view!.

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from what i understand!.!.!.it's kinda like love at first sight!.!.!.you meet the girl that you just click with and you know that is the girl you are meant to be with and it doens't matter what age you find her!.!.!.according to one of Jacobs friends!. Hope this is right and that it helps youWww@QuestionHome@Com

It just like means that they like look at you and can choose if they should imprint!.!.!.if they do, its like love at first sight, only in a major way!!! But the author doesnt tell why, nor does she explain the process!. Hope this helps a little at least!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

When you meet a person, and you have to make that person as happy as possible!. The person's also the one that will give the werewolf the best chance to continue the bloodline!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its pretty much falling in love but a love that can't be broken!. Like when a werewolf "imprints" on someone, they become the world to them and they revolve around them!. There is no way out of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its when he just sort of mentally latches onto a girl!. its like love at first sight but stronger, he would do ANYTHING for the person he imprinted on!. he cant control who he picks but its like his soul mate sort or!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Imprinting is sort of like "love at first sight" !.!. when werewolves see the person they will imprint, its like that person is the center of their universe, no one matters but them !.!.!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

its like being soul mates!.
Jacob would see someone, and they would just!.!.!. love each other!. love at first sight!. no matter how old they are, it could happen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com