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Question: What exactly happens in Breaking Dawn!?
So I've heard a little bit of everything!.!.!.!.they hated it, they loved it, but I wanna know WHAT HAPPENS in it!. Just a basic outline!.

also if anyone could give me a summary of The Sweet Far Thing by Libba Bray, that would be awesome!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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This site explains EVERYTHING!. Like literally, everything



well!.!.!. bella and edward get married, renesmee (bella and edwards kid) is born, bella turns into a vampire, jacob imprints renesmee, alice sees the volturi coming to kill them all, they gather all their vampire friends, charlie finds out that jacob is a werewolf, Alice and jasper "run away", vampires start getting ready for battle with volturi, volturi come and try to battle but bella has a special shield power that doesn't let special powers attack from outside her shield that she can expand, and the volturi run away!. oh and alice and jasper come back with another half vampire!.

the ending was not very good in my opinion!. but over all it wasn't as good as the other books, but still good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bells and Eddie get married, Jacob comes to the wedding and ***** things up by getting all mad, Bells and Edward go on their honeymoon and he impregnates her (since she's human and he's in a perpetual state of a 17 year old boy), Edward wants to get it out of her, she has the baby and Edward saves her life by injecting venom into her, she names it Renesmee (Nessie), Jacob imprints on Nessie, Bells is now a crazy vampire who isn't all newbourn-y, the Volturi come to destroy the child but they can't because Bella has a power of an invisible shield, the Volturi leave, and it ends happily ever after!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bella and Edward get married!.
Bella and Edward have sex!.
Seth is a vampire-friendly werewolf!.
Bella and Edward have sex!.
Jacob thinks Bella is a vampire but is wrong she's just preggers!.
The pack finds out and wants to kill the baby and Bella!.
Jacob, Seth, and Leah form their own pack!.
Rosalie is mean to everyone to protect the baby!.
Renesmee a!.k!.a Nessie is born!.
bella turns into a vampire!.
Bella and Edward have sex!.
Jacob imprints on Nessie!.
Bella wants sex!.
The volturi come down for a visit EVEN THE WIVES :O! but it all turns out to be a big pile of talk, no action whatsoever even though they get ready for a war!.
Bella wants it all to be over so she can have sex!.
Bella can protect herself and others from mind tricks!.
Bella lets Edward read her mind!.
Bella and Edward have sex!.
EVERYONE LIVES HAPPILY EVER AFTER!.!.!.except for leah because she never imprinted!.

The book was horrible, and pointless!. It felt like Stephenie Meyer just ran out of ideas!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Smeyer's world explodes into tiny, pointless little bits!. She contradicts herself and disgusts her readers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They get married, she turns vampire, she gets knocked up!.


I'll tell ya what happens!.!.!.absolutely nothing!!!!
that was the most pointless book i ever read!.!.!.!.there was no big finale, epic scene, nothing!. it was horrible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com