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Question: Freak the Mighty the book help please!?
In the book Freak the Mighty where does it take place!? I mean not the state just like is it old scary happy needy sad!.etc !?
Thanks for the help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
it's a happy book in the beginning it starts getting sad toward the end with kevin's disability and mighty's (forgot his real name) dad but it dosen't get overly crying sad !. all in all i enjoyed the book!. i can't really tell you much i don't want to spoil it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it isn't really scary!.!.!.there are some thrilling moments but they are few and don't come till much later in the book!. The ending is sad but it isn't totally heart-breaking (unlike HP 7), it was kind of predictable!. The beginning starts out "happy" but it slowly escalates into more depth!. I wouldn't say it was "needy" but Max (Mighty) realizes he can't do everything on his own!.

You learn to accept those who are different and realize that friendship and courage comes in all shapes in sizes!.

I personally loved Freak!. His personality reminded me greatly of myself!. Go King Arthur!!!!! (you'll understand if/once you read it)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com