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Position:Home>Books & Authors> In regards to the book Frankenstein, what inspired Victor to begin his expiremen

Question: In regards to the book Frankenstein, what inspired Victor to begin his expirements with human anatomy!?
i need this for a project asap
and please don't tell me to look in the book, because i've tried that

thanks in advance (:Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A possible interpretation of the name Victor derives from Paradise Lost by John Milton, a great influence on Shelley (a quotation from Paradise Lost is on the opening page of Frankenstein and Shelley even allows the monster himself to read it)!. Milton frequently refers to God as "the Victor" in Paradise Lost, and Shelley sees Victor as playing God by creating life!. In addition to this, Shelley's portrayal of the monster owes much to the character of Satan in Paradise Lost; indeed, the monster says, after reading the epic poem, that he empathizes with Satan's role in the story!.

There are many similarities between Victor and Percy Shelley, Mary's husband!. Victor was a pen name of Percy Shelley's, as in the collection of poetry he wrote with his sister Elizabeth, Original Poetry by Victor and Cazire!.[7] There is speculation that one of Mary Shelley's models for Victor Frankenstein was Percy, who at Eton had "experimented with electricity and magnetism as well as with gunpowder and numerous chemical reactions," and whose rooms at Oxford were filled with scientific equipment!.[8] Percy Shelley was the first-born son of a wealthy country squire with strong political connections and a descendant of Sir Brysshe Shelley, 1st Baronet of Castle Goring, and Richard Fitzalan, 10th Earl of Arundel!.[9] Victor's family is one of the most distinguished of that republic and his ancestors were counsellors and syndics!. Percy had a sister named Elizabeth!. Victor had an adopted sister, named Elizabeth!. On February 22, 1815, Mary Shelley delivered a two-month premature baby and the baby died two weeks later!. Percy did not care about the condition of this premature infant and left with Claire, Mary's stepsister, for a lurid affair!.[note 1] When Victor saw the creature come to life he fled the apartment!.


Well that is a great book! I loved reading it!. I don't remember exactly why he first started trying to make the monster, but I believe it had something to do with dominating nature, achieving immortality, giving life to something that had already been dead, and giving life to something apart from usual reproduction (similar to cloning going on in recent years)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i read the book a long time ago so i'm not really sure (i remember the film by kenneth branagh better) & in that version, victor is deeply affected by the death of his mother & then his teacher professor waldman!. i don't know if those characters are in the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The unrestrained angst of early-onset puberty!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the guy was what people call an alchemist which in
other words is another word for a scientist or inventor!. his inspiration was to make an elksould that
make him live for everWww@QuestionHome@Com