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Question: The Time Traveler's Wife (spoilers)!?
So I just finished reading the book, I just have one question about something that I am still confused about!.

(I don't feel like finding the pages with the dates and ages, but I will try to be accurate)
Okay so when Henry is 43 and he travels back to 1984 where he is shot, he shouldn't have had feet so why did claire see him stading there when she was 13 with her dad and Mark!? And he said he was wearing an overcoat, how did he get dressed in time when he was shot right as he arrived in 1984!? And what did Mark and Phillip do after they realized they just shot a guy!? I know they thought Henry looked familiar during Christmas dinner, but come on, they shot the guy! How did they not realize it was him!?
Maybe I just misunderstood something, but that part particularly bothers me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Never fear, I shall find the page for you!
(I looked, it's on my page 450, but this might not help you if we have different editions!.!.!.)

It's an earlier Henry, one who hasn't lost his feet yet!. He'd gone back to 1984 and heard himself (footless Henry) get shot!. By the time they'd all got to the scene of the crime, footless Henry had vanished!.

"Phillip will be running, and then I will be running, and Mark, and we will converge on the place: But there will be nothing!.!.!. We will stare at each other, without recognition, over the empty dirt!."

So I guess when Christmas dinner came around, they didn't recognise Henry as the man they'd shot, but as a man they met soon after they'd shot a man!.!.!.
Uh, does that last part make any sense!? Sorry if it doesn't!. Hope I helped a bit anyway!Www@QuestionHome@Com