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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What publisher would be good for child authors?

Question: What publisher would be good for child authors!?
My 14 year old brother has just written a book!. He has the manuscript and its ready to go, but we don't know any publishers that publish children-written books!. Please help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
www!.boingboing!.net/2008/08/21/random-hou!.!.!. - 87k

www!.cbcbooks!.org/faqs/faq!.html Www@QuestionHome@Com

When you print out the pages, put it away for at least 6 weeks!. After that, take a red pen and go over it very thoroughly!. Look for grammar, syntax, punctuation!. also, look at stuff you want to add or delete!. There is no limit to how many times you edit

After the manuscript is perfect, time to shop for an agent (optional, but a great advantage)!. Buy a copy of the most recent Writer's Market or Literary Marketplace!. Look for an agent that suits your manuscript needs!. Once you've decided, send a query (or not, depending on the agency)!. If they wan't to see the manuscript, send it off!. If they accept, you're ahead!.

The same rule pretty much applies!. Query, or not, and wait for a response!. If they say yes, send the manuscript!. If they agree, good job! Expect to see in in shelves in a few months

But expect rejection!. Everybody gets it, just move on!.
