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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I am writing a sci-fiction essay topic name HEROES pls advice on the plot?

Question: I am writing a sci-fiction essay topic name HEROES pls advice on the plot!?
Here it goes ,its about the united states who just develop a deadly biological hazard thathat'stremely lethal to the extent that if they do not prevent this outbreak it would wiped out 2/3 of the population of the Earth!.Its classified and the heroes are the nation's elite who are best in the biomedical field,they sacsacrificeeir lives to prevent the out break of the virus in a largest high tech military facility of the US,the virus is deep inside the facility and threatens to spread outside to the surface,already half of the workers inside are dead and those alive faces the threat of dieing,they cant bring the workers out because the moment they because the virus will start to look for a new host thatthat'sowerful feature of the virus, it will jumps and look for any living thing even sparse growth on the ground or organism in the soil,so there is no way they can bring them out,the team needs to get sample of the virus and create a cure inside the facility they will also need to prolong the lives of the victims with power antibiotics they nid Needdo their best to keep them alive,after 10 days finally they got the cure but at the cost of 1/2 of the team becoz they nid to work around the clock sometime 24/7 they cant hav food but pills where astronauts usually take, they nid to innoculate them with the cure and bring them out of the facility,but they have only limited amount of vaccines they gave them all to the patients but the team was endanger the virus is incubating in them but has not crashed and bled out!.The governent said the virus has caused too much death and there was no way they could reproduce the vaccine in a short time frame by the time the governement said they cannot sent in anymore men just to save a few lives that is trapped inside, this is too costly, they need to seal all the ventilations ,they need to sanitize the whole area using a nuclear device that is of controlled yield deep into the facility the radiation would destroy the virus even if the explosion doesnt wreak the whole facilityWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
sounds a little too much like "The Andromeda Strain"Www@QuestionHome@Com