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Question: Twilight question, first book!?!?
I just read the first book of the Twilight series, and I'm a bit confused!. The last sentence of the book says Edward leans down to press his colds lips on Bella's throat, blah blah blah etc!.

does that means she is now a vampire too or did he just kiss her!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
he just kissed her!.!.!.stephenie meyer wouldn't make it that simple trust me i finished all of them already!.!.!.keep reading!.!.!.get all of them and read them u'll be surprised at what happens?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh no, he has to bite!. He just kissed her!.!.!.

Relevant to your interests!?:

If you read the preview of the first chapter of New Moon at the back of Twilight, it will help show that she was not turned into a vampire in the first book!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I suggest reading the next book, but since she doesn't actually become a vampire until the fourth book I think it would be safe to say it was probably just a teaser and he was just kissing her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He only kissed her!.

Answer mine!? http://answers!.yahoo!.com/question/index;!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

alas, it was only a kiss!. i got all excited at that part and i was disappointed when i started new moon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He was just kissing her!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

He only kissed her!.

He just kissed her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He just kissed her and she still remains human!. Hope I helped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Kissed her
uv got a long way till she turnsWww@QuestionHome@Com

He just kissed herWww@QuestionHome@Com

he just kissed her!.

wow!.!.!.he is incredibleWww@QuestionHome@Com

he just kissd herWww@QuestionHome@Com

he just kissed herWww@QuestionHome@Com