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Question: Midnight Sun Leak!? True!?
So I've heard that there is a leak, i'm really annoyed by it! Is it even real!? Is it safe to download!? Is it any good!? Is it also true that SM wanted it to be download able!? I thought it there wasn't even a release date yet!? It's sick!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There's no evidence that it's real!. Multiple people have contacted SM's webmaster and told them of the leak and they haven't reacted!. So!.!.!. either it's totally fake and they don't care or they did leak it as a publicity stunt!. Team Steph knows it's floating around and they haven't taken any action!.

It's "safe" as in there are no viruses attached to it!. And we're all use assuming it's a glorified fanfic, so I don't see how they could possibly prosecute that!. Never mind that Deathly Hallows was leaked, and there was a legal embargo on that, and no one was prosecuted for that!. By the hit count at the website that is hosting it it looks like thousands of people have downloaded it!. The time, energy and money involved in tracking down and suing those people is astronomical!. I'm not worried!.

Napster tracked down a handful of people that were downloading a ton of published, copywritten works!. If this is the real thing, she is the one who handed out hard copies of it!. That's not exactly a strong case for her!. It would be one thing if someone broke into her home or hacked into her computer, but giving it out to people who are surrounded by hairdressers, craft services people, coffee boys and all of the other people that hang around movie sets is just irresponsible!.

Then there's always the theory that Rob did do it to get back at her for "The Rob Effect," but I doubt anyone actually believes it!. Rob didn't do it!.

No only is there not a release date yet, but it hasn't even been commissioned by anyone!. At this point she is just writing it "for herself!." Www@QuestionHome@Com

The source of the leak is unknown!.
Stephenie Meyer and Robert Pattinson have both said that some actors and the director of the film were given the parts of Midnight Sun she had finished so they could get a better view of Edward's character!.
However, we don't know if they were the source of the leak!. Maybe their computers were hacked, or those of SM's confidants, or SM's herself!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

i don't know about any leak but there's the first draft chapter on her sight and it safe - http://www!.stepheniemeyer!.com/pdf/midnig!.!.!.
here's her talking about it - http://www!.stepheniemeyer!.com/midnightsu!.!.!.

and no Robert did not leak it Smeyers gave it to him so he could get more of an insight into Edwards character

hopes this helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com

No one knows if it's the real thing, but it seems like it - many people are acting like it is!. The scans are a bit wonky, but I guess it's good enough to read!. If you heard that Robert Pattinson sent it out, it's probably just a rumour!.

You can get it here:

It's absolutly amazing!. I just finished reading it!. And without a doubt it's the real deal!.

Stephenie better get the rest published!! I'm dying to know what Edward was thinking during the meadow scene and that night!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I got it and it has the first chapter from her website and 11 other chapters!. I downloaded it and it's safe!. Sounds exactly like her writing too!. It's kind of boring!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it is real (if not it a very good fake)!.!. very safe!.!.!. and very awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
edward is more amazing than u could have ever imagined!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

where can you find it!? i've read the first chapter about 10 times already lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

would someone please email me it!?


thank you sooo much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com