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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Do you have any ideas for a short story relating to interior design/decoration/h

Question: Do you have any ideas for a short story relating to interior design/decoration/homes etc!.!?
Well, For my Stop Press elective in school, i must produce a magazine on a topic of my choice!. I chose to focus my magazine on interior design/decoration (home magazine) as it is my passion and obsession : D
I must include a short story relating to the topic of my magazine but i am completely stuck for ideas and have no idea where to start!
Any ideas/suggestions or just tips for writing short stories will be most appreciated!

Thanks so much


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You could have one of your characters win a contest in which a famous designer is sent to her home to redecorate!. You could make it funny with the designer doing a terrible job!. Or you could make it informative by doing a article (short story) on the process of design!. Good luck!. Www@QuestionHome@Com