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Question: Twilight series New Moon on page 82 and I'm pissed!.!.!.!.!?
Hi! I was recommended to read the Twilight series by, well tons of yahoo answer people! So, I went out and bought Twilight, not really knowing what it was exactly about other than what the back said!. So I started reading it at work on Thursday evening, in between being busy!. (I am a dispatcher) So- I read about the first 150 pages and it was SO ADDICTIVE! So I finished reading the book in a couple of hours yesterday and went out to by the new one to read today!. I am now on page 82 and so pissed! I didn't read anything about the book because I like to be surprise!. WTF! Edward and the Cullen's leave! Ugh! Obviously they will come back because there are more books BUT when I read that I read the paragraph summary for the book!. I can't believe they are going to put Jacob as her interest!. That just annoys me!. I hope I am wrong!. Hopefully she stays true!. also for anyone who cared I just wanted to say that immediately the Kelly Clarkson "Irvine" song came to mind when she was laying in the woods!. So, if you want to be the "mood" go ahead and listen to that song!. It's beautiful, haunting and sad!. Reminds me of Bella and Edward (so far)!. :o)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
give it a chance!. In a way this sort of stengthens the Bella/ Edward bond!. I hated New Moon at first, but now I love it!.
Just remember with poor Jake he's a 16 year old kid that has to deal with really big circumsatnces (which you wouldn't know about yet) and he does the best he can!. He's love sick, and a kid who doesn't know how to handle it!. I'm way Team Edward, but I love Jacob differently!. Actually for myself, I'm gonna say I'm Team Jacob!. For Bella, Team Edward!.
Give him a chance, love him just as Jake (not as Bella's love interest, not as Bella's enemy)
Let Jake be Jake!.

Good Luck! And be careful on here, there are spoilers everywhere! Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah!. If you don't like Jacob then New Moon is the worst book for you!. i hate him and it seemed like the book dragged on forever!. but it Breaking Dawn Jacob has his own part in the story!. written in his POV whichsucks, but its not as bad as New Moon, when Jacob is in every sentence :[

Your right that song does remind me of it!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

i hate how everyone just spoiled the book for you!.
i mean you already knew he would come back but still!.

all i have to say is that i read all the books!.
and when you finish the last book, you'll be very happy with how bella and edward's relationship is!.

Don't worry about it!. Everything works out in the end!. I felt like you at first but when New Moon ended it was just so great when Edward came back!. It has an amazing ending!. Keep reading!.
Yeah, I agree with you on the Kelly Clarkson song!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

omg i know!!! i literally screamed 'EDWARD NOOOOO!!!!!!' but jacobs charactter, taylor lautner is REALLY REALLY REALLY cute!! so is rob pattinson, aka edward!!!!!!!!!

answer mine please


how weird i was thinking of that song as well!.!.!.!.!.
anyways are we suppose to answer something I'm confused!? well i got pissed as well when the Cullens left but if they didn't then she wouldn't- actually you just read the books it gets goodWww@QuestionHome@Com

Uhh!.!.!.Yeah!. And Bella moans and whines about him leaving for half the book!. It's not worth it!. Why not just borrow it from the library!? I regret buying mine, I want to sell all the books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Relax!. It works out!. Just keep reading, it gets better!. She stays with Edward!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yahh this book is the least liked in the series!.!.!.well you won't be dissapointed with eclipse which is the next one!.!.now that books is super goodWww@QuestionHome@Com

i loved these books!.!.!.!.just keep reading!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

So how are we supposed to answer this question!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah!. I feel the same way!. I got so addicted!. I am in love and obsessed with Edward Cullen and I just absolutely love the books!.
After I finished all the Twilight books in the series, I couldn't find any other good books to read!. I bought "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens, but I didn't really like it!. So, I decided to read the Twilight series again!. I finished Twilight again then moved on to New Moon, but I don't like to read it because Edward leaves!. It makes me sad!. I don't really like the ending either because I don't like the!.!.!.(oh, I guess you haven't finished yet!. I won't spoil it for you)!. So, I was intending to skip it and just re-read the next book in the series, Eclipse!. Though I am in love with the books, and I think that Stephenie Meyer is a fabulous author, the books, I find, are sort of repetitive, the endings anyway!. I think you will understand when you finish the series!.
But anyways, it does make me angry and sad that Edward leaves!. But like you, I knew that he was going to come back, because there were more books!.
Indeed!. It is so addictive!. I love them!. It is so great that you heard about them on YA and that you got them!. That is good!.
I agree with you!. Www@QuestionHome@Com