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Question: Picture book help needed - assigment !?
I have to make up a childrens picture book that has the theme 'environment' in it!. I thought about what story i could make up for the environment issue, and so far all i know is that i want the picture book to include sea turtles in it (perhaps turtles getting tangled in a plastic bag in the sea or something!?) So far however, i have no story line and dont know how to get started!. Any tips on how to begin and what the storyline for the picture book should be!? thanks in advance =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think the turtle should know how to talk!. That way, when he meets and befriends a little boy, Ryan, he can tell him his problems!.
He can be sick from choking up styrofoam!.
Then, go ahead and trap him in a plastic bag and let Ryan help him!.
Then, when he cuts himself on a broken can or bottle, Ryan can put Betadine on his infection!.
Then, his skin will peel to help remove the oily film it picked up in the water (this really happens, ugly but not necessarily harmful)!.
Then, when his shell begins to soften from not enough of the required vitamin D from the sun (because of the water pollution preventing absorption) the turtle will tell Ryan that he needs to find a new place to live!.
Ryan will be sad, but will not litter, will recycle, will reuse his water bottle for juice instead of buying more juice boxes or capri sun (can't recycle) and throwing them away, will ride his bike and not drive a car (that's a joke, he's a kid) and he will get all his friends to help clean up the beach where the turtle lived!.
It will be a long time that he does not see the turtle, but he keeps cleaning the beach!. Ryan will grow up a little - maybe he will have a wife and a kid - who he takes to the beach!. And one day, the turtle and his family returns! (turtles live a long time) And the turtle is so thankful that Ryan never gave up!. The turtle is Ryan's child's new friend!. The end!.
I have a turtle, btw :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

One of the easiest ways of creating a story, is to RECREATE another!. There are plenty of myths and legends that surround the turtle!. http://www!.pantheon!.org/ can help you with that!. Then perhaps bend the myth to our time line, or feature similar characters!.

Hope that helps you! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

uhh i had to read that like 5 times, i had a brain slow function because i cant read stuff like that unless i really concentrate- idk why though!.!.!. lol !!! hahaha

My Answer:

the ocean life- some mer ppl and fish

metamorphasis back to human-- sailing

tht sort of stuff- good luck!!

and your welcome :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

sounds like a hard topic!.!.!.!. perhaps you could ask some people, maybe family or friends what things they find most disturbing about the environment and include that!. i would definitly use a polar bear on melting ice caps!.

hope this helps,Www@QuestionHome@Com