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Question: How do you write a book if you just have an idea!?
I have a general idea of what it will be about, but can't get it started!. Any suggestions!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Brainstorm!. You have an idea!? Branch out!. Think of all possibilities!.
Write down all your ideas and try to put them into some sort of order!. An outline!
Then you don't have to write in order-- you just have to write whatever part interests you most at the time, and then once you've got all the fun writing out of the way, you write the boring parts!. Ah-ha, you have a book!
For character development, use the link below!.
That's it!.
Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

One of the fastest ways to write your book and get access to a New York publisher is by using a system that has already worked for other people!.

Content is important but context is everything!. You must leverage context in order to have your content noticed!.

I wrote my books using a process which has worked for many entrepreneurs!. The process focuses on you writing your book in just a few hours and being able to get it read by a New York publisher!.

I also learned how to use this book to start building my business!.

Famous people like Coach Carter have used this system and Jeff Bezos (who owns amazon!.com) used this system!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you already have an idea, try to expand it by using your talented imagination and critical thinking!.
Whenever I have an idea, I try to do imagine things like what will happen next and try it to jot down for a plot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

write down what you have so far! even if its in point form!! very important, that way you don't forget!. work on the details later!. you can start thinking up some everyday and keep on writing things down!. and you can put it all together at the end and add in descriptive words and allWww@QuestionHome@Com

They key is to just write!. No matter how bad it sucks!. Just keep on writing, and that way, you can go back and fix things if they suck!. It's hard to fix nothing!. LOL! It's called "writing suckitudinously"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

what i tend to do is jump straight onto the computer and write my ideas down, then i kinda build onto those ideas and soon create little parts of a story!. i hope this helped i'm only new!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Think about it for a while!. Let it simmer on the back burner of your mind!. Details should come to you until you're ready to begin writing !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just go with what you have already and the rest will follow!.

Seriously!. I'm the same way!.

14 books later!.!.!.!?

Still writing!. :0)Www@QuestionHome@Com

try to think of characters once you have both of them you should be able to form a story around it