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Question: What is the hype over the Twilight books!?
I am always looking for new books to adore and there has been all this hype over the twilight books so naturally my interest was sparked but when i read the blurb it sounded like it was written for the growing emo market!. Vampires and romance!? Hmmm!.!.!.
Well books that i LOVE are inheritance series, unfortunate events, war of the worlds, across the nightingale floor, northern lights etc!.
Would i like the twilight series!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
im sick of Twilight!
I read breaking dawn and gave it a F
and i returned it for my money back
theres too many brainwashed teenage girls out there thinking a georgous vampire is out there waiting for them ( so not true!)
they really need to get over it!. I think the writing is of a 13 year olds and theres really nothing to the books
4th book was disgusting

dont read them if you want to end up brainwashed and having a user name "Mrs Edward Cullen"Www@QuestionHome@Com

they really don't appeal to the "emo" market as you said!. they appeal to a wide range of people, they aren't mainly focused on just romance and vampires, though there is a bunch of mushy stuff, the characters are funny and likable and the tale is interesting and addicting!. I really would recomend that you read them, even if you end up not liking them just so you can know what all the hype is!. well i think you will like them also, because i like many of the books you have listed and i love twilight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight books:

25% lust!.
25% emo-ness!.
20% Sparkly hot vampires who only eat animals, not humans!. (But pet owners, watch out!) They also have superpowers and are indestructible!.
10% Werewolves!.
1% Vampires who want to eat the protagonist!.
29% Protagonist pissing readers off!.
----- ---------- ------- ------- ------ ------- ----
100% boring
100% No plot but the protagonist and her sparkly vampire boyfriend gawking at each other!.
99% Useless events and description!.
999/1000% Sleeping!.
1/1000% Something exciting!.

That's breaking down Twilight!. But you wouldn't like the Twilight series!. Making me read the Twilight series was the worst thing my cousin ever did to me!.


Haha xD
Yeah, I was skeptical about the books, and I read them to make fun of them and all the girls who read them!.
But it turned out to be well written and interesting, although I don't understand all this "EdwardCullen!<333" stuff!.
I sort of hated the two main characters!. :]

So try it out, you might like it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ugh!. the books are good reads when you have nothing better to do; however, the writing is a pain and looks like something a 12 year old would write!. i actually thought the author was a 15 year old girl the whole time i was reading the books until i saw her in an interview!. but it's a good story overall!.

when i first heard about them i thought it was dumb, but now that i've read them!.!.!.i think it's a pretty good romance story!. it's definitely not original!. when ur reading them it feels very cliche and familiar!. and it's very predictable, but like i said it's a good read if you have some free time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

omg!.!.!. its not like im gonna suck your blood!.!.!. its like SOO amazing what they share, and edward being a vampire has only to do with the fact that they can't be to intimate for feer of hurting her!. but even so, vampires are by far not the main purpose of the book!.!.!. it is first and formost AN AMAZING ROMANCE NOVEL! read it, i don't know one person who for real has read it, and didn't like it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you should try to read it cause everyone i know LOVES them and also it is not really all about vampires it is more the relationship between edward and bella around that fact he is a vampire
you should try to read them and the worst that could happen is you dont like them
just tryWww@QuestionHome@Com

i know, when i heard what twilight was about i instantly denied it!. vampires!? yeah, it truly wasn't my thing!.!.!. but my friend forced me to read it, and i was so so so so SO grateful she had!. these books were amazing! please trust me!. it is a MUST read!. i basically fell in love with these books :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Personally, I think you should read it!.


You should be warned that you might just end up hating it!. It's not a work of literary genius, but somehow, it manages to get people (including me) completely obsessed!.

Most people DO end up loving it!.!.!. So go on and read!Www@QuestionHome@Com

don't judge the book before you've read it!.

it doesn't seem appealing but it's addicting and is amazing!.!.!. and the second book shows that stephanie meyers is a good writer because you sympathize with the character as if you were bella!.!.!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

u prolly would, vampires and romance seem like a perfect combo!.Im very interested in vampires especially the vampiresses!.I read some of the first book!.In my opinion,it is a chick bookWww@QuestionHome@Com

lol growing emo market!. i wouldn't consider it emo!.!.!.
yeah im pretty sure you would like it, it doesn't hurt to try!.
at first i was pretty skeptical about it, but my friend made me read it and i ended up liking it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read it, honestly its not what you think!. It's more forbidden love that emo-ness!. A bit like Romeo + Juliet!. I'm so glad that BD ended the way it did!. READD ITT you'll LOVE it cuz I like a the books you do as well :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Those books are amazing! I understand that you may think they sound "emo" but they really aren't! Just read them because they are soooooo good! Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess I am emo then because I am absolutly OBSESSED with the whole series!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

you might!.!.!. i didnt like unfortunate events but i loved eragon and eldest!. hmm!.!.!. you could try it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

So, here's my honest opinion: they aren't the best written books I've ever read!.!.!.!. but, I was an English major so maybe I'm biased!. BUT, the story really drew me in!.

I was like you - I heard all about the hype and it piqued my interest!. I saw the movie trailer and thought the story might be something I would like to read about!.

I thought, at first, I'll just get the first one (it was only 11 bucks) and if I didn't like it, I'm only out 11 bucks and I've read books I didn't like before and it was no big loss!. I love reading regardless!.

I read that first one in two days!. The other two within the following week (I didn't sleep much that week, LOL)!. The fourth one I got right when it came out and it took me three or four days to read because I wanted to savor it, I loved it so much!.

I'm WAY out of touch with whatever emo really is or means, but I really liked these books!. The fourth was my fav - I've read it four times by now!. It has a lot of romance, but also a lot of action and suspense and I really enjoyed that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com