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Question: How long is your average novel!?
I'm writing a novel and its a fantasy/sci fi type genre!. Ive written 50,000 words!. How many words would an average fantasy novel be!? I'm thinking 90,000!.
While we're here how do you write convincing characters and know wether they are convincing or not!? Because I wrote them how do I know if they work or not!? Ive done the whole subtly empathise with them in the beginning but what else is a useful way of getting the reader to identify and engage with the character!? Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This depends on the readers you are aiming at:
Even though you asked mainly about Sci Fi, I will throw some others in as well for comparison!.

These are "typical" ranges looked for by most publishers & agents!.
Adults (including SciFi) - 80,000-100,000 (or more)
Mysteries/Crime Fiction - 80,000-100,000
Thrillers - 90,000-100,000
Literary Fiction - 80,000-120,000
Chick Lit - 60,000-80,000
"Cozies" - 60,000-70,000
Urban fantasy / paranormal romance - 80,000-90,000
Teen/Young Adult - 50,000-80,000 (very rarely above 90,000)
Middle Grade -40,000-60,000

Less than 50,000 is usually considered a novella instead of a novel!.

According to literary agent, Colleen Lindsay, referring to novels over 100,000: "Normally, I'd just politely pass on these door-stoppers!.!.!."

Your mileage may vary!. - Hee hee hee

As to the part about knowing how your characters are doing, writers in general have a problem being totally objective!. You may have built up a background for the character in your mind, but forgot to put all the information in that is critical to seeing the character the way you see him/her!.

This is where an objective read by someone who has nothing to gain by lying to you come in!. --Preferably, someone brutally honest!. You don't want someone to say it's fine just to make you feel good!. You want, or actually NEED to know, the truth!.

Another way is to put the manuscript aside for several weeks or months while you work on other things!. Then try to set your mind to going back and re-read it as though you have never seen it before!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm reading how to write a novel and it says between 90, 000 and 125, 000 words!. (: