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Question: What did you think of the Breaking Dawn ending!?
Basically, I found the Breaking Dawn ending quite conclusive, which is good!. It doesn't leave me wanting more like Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse did!. However, I think that it's too much of a happy ending!.!.!. And in my opinion, there was definitely too much build-up to quite a flat ending!.!.!. What did everyone else think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think it was a good ending for the saga but I wish something had happened that made Bella's life not perfect!. Throughout all the books there was hints about if one of them died the other would and I kind of wish that had been the case because it would have made the ending more satisfactory!. I mean, I'm glad Bella and Edward stayed together but I wish Bella didn't get everything she wanted, especially after what she did to poor Jake in the other books!. She deserved to lose something!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yea, i definitely thought there should have been a big fight at the end just to round it off and someone should have died, it would have made it more emotional!.
like the others said, it lacked those moments that Bella and Edward had in twilight and eclipse!. i think their marriage also ruined the books as there was no will they, won't they!. they should have left bella becoming a vampire near the end so there would be more suspense through the book and i didnt think she'd get turned because there was a problem with her pregnancy! i imagined it all romantic!

also, jacob imprinting just totally ruined it for me!!!!

but, i'm glad everything was tied up coz i'm not upset that we are left not knowing muchWww@QuestionHome@Com

I felt like she tried really hard to make it seem as if the ending wasn't going to be happy (even though i'm pretty sure everyone knew it had to end happy) so that was a little annoying!. I also didn't like a main part of the book (I don't want someone to read this and spoil it for them, but it had to do will bella and the reason for her becoming a vampire so quickly after getting married)!. I thought vampires only had venom in them, so it just didn't make sense too me!. It was a disappointing finish to a great series!. But I am glad that it did end happily!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It made me feel like something more was missing! Not like Twilight, where I'm totally satisfied reading the end!. I mean, where was the action!? Okay, reading the last few chapters, made me feel like the suspense is building up, getting us readied for the action and all, and then poof! None! "We didn't need action after all!" I'm not quite ready for Bella and Edward to have a baby, and Breaking Dawn is the last book and it kind of spoiled the series, it lacked action, romance, and Bella and Edward moments here in Breaking Dawn didn't really satiate my cravings!. The whole story just revolved on their baby!. And it's not what I expected!. It's too happy ending-ish (if there's such word), Breaking Dawn should be the most memorable book of the four, now I'm trying to forget I have read breaking dawn!.

But it's my opinion though, surely there are some people out there who loved it!. Now, I'm looking forward to Midnight Sun, and I hope it won't turn out like what Breaking Dawn turned out, I've read the first chapter and I think it'll be great! Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think that there was too much of a build up also!. i really liked it though!. i basically liked it so much cause it had edward and bella in itand those are the too main characters everybody looks forward to reading abou!. so i think that iot could have been a terrible book and i still would have loved it cause of bella and edwardWww@QuestionHome@Com

I liked it and I'm beginning to like it more but I found it a bit slow and, like you said, it seemed to be building up to the fight (like something important would happen) but nothing really happened and then it just ended!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was way too predictible in terms of why Bella was turned!. As soon as she started acting weird on the honeymoon I went, oh, here we go!. The whole pregnancy was absolutely unnecessary and not justified!. And Meyer shoving her anti-abortion message down our throats was not appreciated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i totally agree with u!! the book ended with everyone being really happy!.
i expected someone to die or just something dfferent!.
even though itwas still good but i loved twilight the most!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i agree with u i thought it would have been funny if she woke up and didn't remember anything or anybody and she had no clue who Renesme and Edward wereWww@QuestionHome@Com