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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone think that Breaking Dawn Was a bit of a letdown?

Question: Does anyone think that Breaking Dawn Was a bit of a letdown!?
is it just me!? I really liked the first part!.!.!.!.The pregnancy was such a good twist on things, then the part about her almost ceasing to exist was good and then jacob imprinting on Reneesme was good but after that it was not!. BD hit its climax when Bella was dying so it had no where else to go but down!. Because the parts where she's learning to be a vampire and the Volturi wasnt really that exciting!.!.!.!.is it just me or do you agree!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I was upset with the book!. It started out really good, but after Bella got pregnant everything went down hill!. Renesmee!? I was not at all thrilled about that, and it creeped me out that Jacob imprinted with her!. I expected a lot more, but that's just me!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I personally LOVED Breaking Dawn! I read it in less than 12 hours! (and I am not exaggerating on that-ask my husband LOL)!. Absolutely could not put it down! You truly have to understand the dynamic relationships in the book to appreciate everything Stephenie Meyer was trying to convey-including the Volturi!. The point of the very long discussion between the Volturi and the Cullen/witnesses was to show the reader how much of a coward the Volturi really is, how Bella was finally able to channel and use her "shield" to protect her family and child and that the Cullen's were ultimately stronger than the all powerful "Ancient Ones"!. The only thing I was disappointed in was the fact that this will be the last installment!. I know that the next one will be from Edward's POV, which I CANNOT wait for, but I think the next book should be from Nessie's POV!. Imagine the possibilities in THAT!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was good!. I think it was a bit rushed!. I feel that the second part were shes a vampire and all that should have been a different book!. so like shes dying and stuff he makes her a vampire and when she wakes up he should have been all "Bella!.!.!. your bueatiful" and then it should have said something along the lines of "Then I ran over and kissed him" and then it should have ended and another book was released of her as a vampire with renesemee and suchWww@QuestionHome@Com

you can effin say that again! it could have easily been 100 pages shorter and I didnt like how she tied up all the loose ends down to the T!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

i agree!. the volturi thing was pretty pointlessWww@QuestionHome@Com

yeah!. i think that she was jsut trying 2 make the book long enoughWww@QuestionHome@Com