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Question: Can a 13 year old girl get a book published!?
I wrote a story that's 50 pages of notebook paper, I've been typing it up all summer and I'm wondering If it would be possible to get it published!? I'm my own coach, writer, and editor!. I pushed my self to finish my story on a certian day!. I worked on the book for an entire year! I'm proud of my work, but now im wondering if it owuld be possible to get my work published!?!? If you know anything about kids getting published PLEASE answerWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes you can get it published!. I highly recommend that you buy or borrow a copy of The Children's Writers Market for whatever year its out for!. This book will tell you everything you need to know about getting your book published and where to submit your manuscript!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

a 13 year old can get a book published!. Do you know the series called "Eragon" that was some 14 or 15 year old who wrote it and got it all published!. And Congrats on finishing the book! It takes lots of work for 50 pages and taking a whole year to finish!. Just find a book company (doesn't have to be a big name) and send them you work!. But make sure you have copies of it and send yourself a copy in the mail that way its your work and nobody can say they wrote it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's been done, but it's difficult!. Fifty pages handwritten is too short for a novel, but somewhere in between a long short story and short novella!. Honestly, it probably isn't really publishable!. If you enjoy writing, keep it up!. Even if your works are not perfect, practice really does help!. Don't get discouraged, especially by me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i ask myself if a 17 year old can!. if a 13 year old can!.!.!. that's amazing! go for it! there's no age limit! :-) it needs to be a successful story that can make at least SOME dough!. good luck! :-PWww@QuestionHome@Com

auctually i think you can!!!

Congrats on the book!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com