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Question: Good publishing agency!?
im trying to finde a book publisher were should i look!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Visit a bookstore!. Who published the books in your genre!? Find them in the most recent edition of Writer’s Market, Literary Marketplace (US), or Writers’ & Artists’ Yearbook (UK)!. Each listing will indicate “agented submissions only” or not!.

Remember, reputable agents and publishers charge the author NOTHING (although some agents deduct expenses from the first check)!. The moment an agent or publisher says they need payment for some service, that’s the announcement that they’re not legitimate!.

You can determine whether an agent or publisher is the real thing rather than a scammer making profits from author payments at Preditors and Editors (http://www!.invirtuo!.cc/prededitors/)!.

Don’t sent agents or publishers your manuscript!. Send only a one page query letter and a self-addressed stamped envelope for their reply!. Check submission guidelines for their preferred method of contact and any other enclosure they may want!.