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Question: And then there were none book question!?
Who is the killer in the book!?!? Is it Vera, Lombard, or Armstrong!?!? I read it and a summary of it, but I'm confused!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Justice Wargrave is the murderer!. He faked his death to finish the other guests!. He then committed suicide in a way that made it look like homicide!. Its all very confusing in a way, but the judge was a sadist and dieing and therefore had absolutely nothing to lose!. The point of the game was to make people who had avoided being convicted of murder pay for their crimes!. He used a child's poem as a schematic for the events!. The details are revealed to Scotland Yard in a letter that was placed in a bottle and tossed into the water!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The killer is actually none of them!. The culprit behind it all was Wargrave who faked his death and was actually a sadistic judge who enjoyed seeing people getting killed for justice!. He kills himself in the end to make sure no one can solve the mystery of how twelve corpses were found on the island!.Www@QuestionHome@Com