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Question: Anyone read this book!? help !?
The book Animal Farm by George Orwel!.school starts in a week i thought i could finsh the work but i need some help, i am still on the other book, anyway could you help!. this is what it says!.

On the surface Animal Farm is a simple fable, but Orwell’s purpose is much more serious than it would seem at first glance!. Discuss how Orwell tries to avert disaster through his allegory!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The allegory is related to communism in Russia in the early 20th century!. Like the early communists the animals overthrow their rulers and start out trying to run the farm as where no one is the ruler all are equal!. You then get the famous idea that all animals are equal but some are more equal than others i!.e!. power goes to the head of everyone in the end and although they maybe started with good intentions the pigs decide they are better than the other animals!. In the end the idea is that even when you try to democracy it doesn't work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read that book in 10th grade (6 years ago), so I'll try to help!.!.!.
OK, I looked up what "allegory" means, and it's listed in the source!.

Basically, the whole idea behind Animal Farm is a sort of government!. That one pig (Snowball!?) is like the president!.!.!. I can't remember what happens but I do remember having to do a sort of report about how there was a sort of government with the animals, and that's what the "allegory" is!.

How about doing your own homework in a timely manner!. Maybe not being able to finish this assignment will motivate some responsibility next time!.