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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Who was your favorite character in "Lord of the Flies" and why?

Question: Who was your favorite character in "Lord of the Flies" and why!?
Mine was Simon because Simon was 100% good and he was the only child that knew the monster didn't exist but the real monster was inside them!.

What do you think!? Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I can't choose, I liked more than one :)

Ralph-I especially loved how Ralph grew as a person!. He became more mature while the rest stagnated (in Piggy's case) or regressed (in Roger, Jack, and most of the others' cases) I loved watching him struggle with the "idiot hair" following his struggle to retain that civilized trait, bred within us!.

I loved Piggy too!. Poor guy!. Teased from the very beginning!. He represented the scientific aspect of humanity and it was extremely interesting watching him flounder to keep order and bring innovative ideas to the group of kids, yet be ignored so often!. And the symbolism with the glasses-!

Gah, I love this book so much

Simon-the Christ figure!. The inherent goodness in mankind!. The only guy who didn't become a beast himself!. Wasn't that scene when he tried to tell them the truth of the beast tragic!? Made me cry :'(

Jack-his progress was enlightening to watch too!. It was kinda the opposite of progress though!. Did you notice the thing with the clothes (kinda a side note) how they lost clothes throughout the book (symbolism is my other love, if you haven't guessed) I liked the chapter where he first got enamored (that sounds wrong, lol) with the hunt, where he "planned his new face" made of charcoal and clay!.

The twins were kinda just there for me, lol

Roger-oh I hated that little ******* so much! lol, I wanted to shoot him or something!. I knew something bad was gonna happen when he started testing the limits with that Henry littlun!. I was like "ooh, he's gone figure out no ones there to stop him soon!-little bad[butt]" lol!. I liked the message he represented though!. What with man's inherent evilness and all that jazz!.

Didn't stop me from wishing he had been the one to become close friends with a certain large rock instead of Piggy, though!.

Did you ask this out of genuine curiosity or are you looking for homework help *fishy look* I loved this book so much, lol!. I'm just glad someone asked a question about it so I can put in my input (is that redundant!? iunno, i'm kinda high off insomnia so, sorry)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, my favorite character was Jack, somehow!. I don't know why but I always liked Jack while reading the book!. Maybe his desire for becoming the leader or how he ruled the church chorus (and later almost everyone) impressed me!. I think I also have a desire to paint my face and become a wild hunter!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Piggy!. I root for the underdog; that poor kid he was the chubby one who just wanted to be part of the "cool kids" and they picked on him!. In the end he unintentionally paid the price for being a puppy dog, I always felt bad for him :(Www@QuestionHome@Com

The one who died and had a halo or whatever!.!.!. I'm pretty sure it was Simon, but I read the book around four years ago, lol!. ^^;Www@QuestionHome@Com

the fat one cause he was so cute
haha read this book back in highschool!Www@QuestionHome@Com