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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I'd like to find a book/series similar to the Twilight Saga?

Question: I'd like to find a book/series similar to the Twilight Saga!?
Twilight, breaking dawn etc!. I just wolfed all four books down in like 2 days!.!.!. I really liked them but id like to find more like them!. Something sort of out there and with romance in it probably!. (if you've never bitten your teeth into the saga its about werewolves and vampires!.i don't want to read a horror story please) Bear in mind I'm a teenager!. Sorry for the mouthful, thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Blue Bloods Series
House of Night Series
Darkest Powers Series

I finished the twilight series to and i love these books!. They all have some romance and arent scary!.!.!. but they are interesting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

uglies, pretties, specials, and extras is a series that isn't entirely about romance but it definitely has some!. the harry potter series, the sisterhood of the traveling pants, the year of the secret assignments, the murder of bindy mackenzie (it's a teen book, not a murder mystery), AND OHHH I THOUGHT OF THE PERFECT ONE!!!!!!!! East!. It's an amazing book!! Please read it, you'll love it!. It's about a girl who lives in a place sort of like Antarctica, and one day a talking polar bear demands that she leave her family and come with him!. They live all alone in this castle!.!.it has trolls in it, and it reminds me a little of Twilight!. Please read it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

A perfect book for you will be "Blood and Chocolate"
The main character is a strong willed, teenage female!. She's also a werewolf!. She has to choose between two love interests!. She also has a choice between family and what she believes she wants in life!.
There has been a movie made for this movie, but it's rather horrible and doesn't follow the story at all :-P
It's a great read, and I bet you'll read it more than once!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I haven't read the books but I know there's a series about teenage werewolves, I just can't find the title!. What I did find was the House of the Night series and the Vampire Kisses series!. I haven't read any of those either but they were recommended by others who read Twilight!.
Hope that helps, if not you might want to going here: http://browse!.barnesandnoble!.com/browse/!.!.!.
That will let you search books that are similar to Twilight and give a better description of the books than I can!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Deep Midnight - Shannon Drake
Betrayed - Kristin Cast, P!.C!. Cast
Beastly - Alex Flinn
The Foreshadowing - Marcus Sedgwick
Generation Dead - Daniel Waters
Gossip Girl - Cecily von Ziegesar
Wake - Lisa McMann
Fire Study - Maria V!. Snyder
Devilish - Maureen Johnson
Liar, Liar - Gabrielle WilliamsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Maximum Ride series by James Patterson
City Of Bones series by Cassandra Clare
The Xenogenesis series by Octavia E!. Butler
Everworld series by Katherine Applegate
Daughter of the Lioness series by Tamora Pierce
Uglies Trilogy by Scott Westerfeld
Sprawl Trilogy by William Gibson
The Wind Singer, Slaves of the Mastery and Firesong by William Nicholson
Redwall series by Brain JacquesWww@QuestionHome@Com

the Cirque De Freak series is pretty awesome!. and it has vampires and a romantic tie throughout it!. it's a 12 book series and it's really good!.

the author is Darren Shan or shaw!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

um!.!.!. THE HOST is good!. its also by Stephenie Meyer!. i dont think there is a book like them cuz theyre amazinggg!!!!!!!!!!! the first part of The Host is a bit boring, but the end is fantastic so read the whole book!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Host!. It's also by Stephanie Meyer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

read something better!. don't waste your time with that nonsense!.Www@QuestionHome@Com