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Question: What are some good topics for me to write about!?
I'm 14 and i have started a few books but none of them seem to go anywhere!. I want to know what some good topics are to write about!. Please help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Writing Ideas

Writing ideas are everywhere!. There is
no such thing as I can't come-up with
an idea!. Let's take a stroll down any
day in search of writing ideas!.

The alarm goes off!. It's a call to
get your day started!. Will you
hit the snooze button!?

You twist, turn, finally stand!.
You yawn several times, try to
focus, and get moving!.

Start breakfast!. Drag back upstairs
to shower!.

The coffee slowly drips into your
system!. Suddenly, you remember
the tons of accounts waiting!. You

The train is late!. You hope the boss
is in a good mood!. For some reason,
the beginning of the week finds her
in a foul mood, less understanding!.

I found a writing idea centering
around the alarm clock!.

The full post at:Www@QuestionHome@Com

The only way to make a reader excited about the story is to write about something you are passionate about!. 14 is young, but I'm sure you deal with a lot of drama going to school etc!. Is there something you've experienced you could open up about in a book that you may not otherwise be able to share with others!? It will come across in your writing and draw the reader in!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends what kind of book you want to write!. Fiction or non-fiction!. If you want to write fiction, go with the kind of book you like reading yourself!. There are many different genres out there!. It might also help if you tackled a course in short story writing that will hone up your writing skills and teach you how to approach publishers etc!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

A good topic will be what you want to write about and are interested in!.

Sit down right now and write for 10 minutes!. Don't stop just write!. Don't stop that pen just keep on writing!. No crossing out or anything!. If you need a writing prompt look up write now and what do you see!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have to write what you know!. What you have experience in!. Science fiction or apocalyptic!. Startin school!.!.idk something in which u are familiar :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

global warming
life period
what would jesus do!?
all year round school
lol i dont now

look if you want to write something the whole point is to come up with your own ideas otherwise there not really your books you know- dont you wanna do this yourself!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Write about things you know about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The very best is love!. :) Make some complected love storyWww@QuestionHome@Com

What it's like to be 14!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

what are u really interested in or what do u like to talk bout a lot!? figure that out first and the rest will followWww@QuestionHome@Com