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Position:Home>Books & Authors> How do you go about finding a literary agent?

Question: How do you go about finding a literary agent!?
I write short stories mainly!. Horror, action, fantasy are my genres!.

I have NO money really to speak of!.

How do you go about finding a good agent!? Do they really make it easier for you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Having a good literary agent at your side is an enormous benefit for any writer!. The agent does the footwork, knows the publisher connections, and grasps the intimidating terminology that publishers employ in their book dealings!. However, securing representation with a literary agent requires a great deal of patience and hard work!. You must write both a compelling and succinct query letter and also pitch it to the proper agent at the right moment in time!.

Query letters should be one page, two to four paragraphs in length and should include a brief synopsis and any writing credentials you have garnered, such as awards, literary contests you've won, etc!. For your safety I recommend only querying agents that are members of the Association of Authors' Representatives or that adhere to their system of ethics and standards!. Their website is at: www!.aar-online!.org

Once there, just click on the link called "database of agents" and follow the steps to narrow your agent's genre!. You're looking for agents accepting unsolicited queries or submissions!. Any agent asking for money upfront or fees to view your material is to be avoided like the plague!. Agents should make nothing unless they sell your book to a publisher!. In that case they get a certain percentage of profits, usually 15 to 25%!.

When you write the agent don't say,
Dear Agent ____,

Instead write,
Attn!. Mr!. John Smith:

Start your query letter's first paragraph with your best hook, your most compelling line!. You want to grab the agent's attention immediately!. At the close of the query letter be sure to thank the agent for his/her time and consideration, and say you would be willing to send him part or all of your manuscript!.

Good luck!. Write the next best-seller!
