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Question: Writting about a book 4 school! please help!!?
What do you think would have happened to Brian if he had found the survival pack much earlier!? Would he be the same person he became under the books circumstances!?( this is what i have so far!.!.!.!.!.im not done! please tell me if it is good)
Brian Robeson was on his way to visit his father in northern Canada!. Before getting on the plane he receives a gift from his mother!. The gift was a hatchet!. He would never guess how important the hatchet would be for his survival!. On the flight, the pilot gives Brian a flying lesson!. While flying over the Canadian wilderness, the pilot has a heart attack and dies!. Brian is now left alone to fly the plane!. He uses what little he learned to try to continue flying the plane for as long as possible!. After flying the plane for several hours the plane runs out of gas!. Landing in the water, Brian is stranded in the Canadian wilderness for the next fifty-four days!.

During the fifty-four days Brian finds out what all he can do!. He finds berries & fish,
and learns how to capture the birds!. He spends most of his days finding food, making
fire & building a shelter!. He learns that he has to do the most important things for
survival first!. These things are finding enough wood to keep a fire going for a couple days
& finding ways to keep food fresh!.

One night before Brian goes to bed he remembers that there was a survival pack in
the plane!. He makes a raft to get to the plane and eventually gets the survival pack!. In
the survival pack there was everything Brian needed!. In the survival pack he finds an
emergency transmitter!. A bush pilot hears the signal, sees the tail of the plane which was
in the lake, and lands!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
good job I forgot to mention the hatchet thanks fro reminding me!

oh i changed my name btw


First, people would be more helpful if you told them what book you need help with!.

Second, do your own homework!. That is kind of the point of it, for YOU to do it to show what YOU have learned!. Your teacher does not care what the random people on Yahoo Answers know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sparknotes (or related sites) and wikipedia (although wikipedia can be errant often) are good places to start lookingWww@QuestionHome@Com