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Question: Twilight saga!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
iv just finished reading the twilight saga
and there AMAZING!
who else just loved the series
I think the best was twilight

didn't really like new moon as much because im a Edward fan not Jacob lol
and Edward went in it a lot!.

What was your favorite book out the series
Who do you prefer Edward and Bella/Jacob and Bella
What was your worst book Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I LOVED Twilight!!!
I Finished Breaking dawn last night and i was shaking the book for more lmao!.
I'm totally a Edward fan! I totally agree with you bout New moon I was like oook wheres Edward give me my fix! lmao!.
The first I found was the best, just simply because well I dunno really!. It was just happy for the most part, most the other books I cried (yes I knwo im so lame)
Nice to see another Twiligher I still think people like us should be called a fan-pire sounds loads betterWww@QuestionHome@Com

My favorite book was Breaking Dawn!. This is because I'm very maternal and can relate to Bella, the honeymoon is a hoot, Jacob is finally content, and everything is wrapped up and complete!. The worst book is probably Twilight for me because it is mostly just the introduction!. I like it when you already know the characters and feel everything they go through!. The other books are much more emotional for me!. Oh, and you can already guess I like Edward and Bella, but I love Jacob too, just as the best friend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Okay, I loved the saga too!. It was amazing!.
My order of the books would be:
New Moon and Breaking Dawn!.
I can't chose between the last two as I loved them all!.
I love Jacob, but he deserves someone more of his age mentally than Bella!. She was never right for him and I hated the fact that she led him on knowingly and hurt him so much because she was greedy and couldn't live without him although she already had her soul mate in Edward!.
Of course I think she should have been with Edward!. Jacob should have stayed her best friend, not someone she decided she loved as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I cant stop thinking about edward, and im sorta sarting to relate everything that happens to him!. yeah, i think either twilight or eclipse were the best!. because in breaking dawn they had that part where jacob narrarated!. i like him, but i LOVE edward and bella!. and in eclipse, edward was gone in like half of it, so it was depressing :[

edit: new moon was the one i didnt like!. and eclipse was the one i liked :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah i live Twilight and don't know if you've been in this section much before but a lot of people really like the series on here,
I like Twilight best because its the beginning and just like any other relationship that's really exciting at the beginning!.
I don't like New Moon because i think Jake is annoying and maniulative!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


mine too!my favourite book its twilight cause its when it all begins and u don't expect anything!.

i absolutely prefer bella and edward!.!.!.they are the perfect couple!i love how meyer depicts their relationship
bella and jacob seem as old friends!.!.!.brothers

the worst book!?none!. i believe each has a part that i love!. perhaps the beggining of breaking dawn was slow to read but then it's great again so you see
*i love twilight cause its the begging and you don't expect anything
*new moon cause it is so deep how bella feels for edward!. i kinda of feel abandoned too! i makes me feel identified
*eclipse like all this messy thing bella'g got in her heart!. moreover, she had to realize what a big change it was to be transformed
*breaking dawn: my favourite part is when bella starts her life as a vampire and when edward can't help kissing her when she opens her mind!. great jokes are emmet's


Favorite book:

Edward or Jacob:

Worst book:

If you spend the time to search you questions before asking them, you will reduce the spam on this section and save yourself points!Www@QuestionHome@Com

omg i love the tiwlight saga too!! i read them about a year ago and i absolutely still love them! haha

my favorite book out of the series is Twilight by far!
i perfer Edward and Bella They go together so perfectly
umm none of the books were bad but if i had to choose my least favorite it would be breaking dawnWww@QuestionHome@Com

I agree! The Twilight Series is amazing!
Yes, Twilight was probably the best of all of them!.
Haha, I'm totally team Edward as well, I don't like Jacob much!. Haha :)
Edward and Bella all the way!
The worst book for me was New Moon, because that's when Edward leaves, and that's when she gets close with Jacob :(


well so far i have only read the 1st 2 cuz i cant seem to find the books in the library!.!.!.!. but yes i think its the best series ever and yes i like edward better than jacob but i cant wait to get the last two!.!.!.!.oh did u hear that the 5th book is ganna be edwards point of view of the first book!? its ganna be greatWww@QuestionHome@Com

i can't decide on my favorite between twilight and eclipse
EDWARD AND BELLA! i'm not a jacob fan
new moon because edward was barely in itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Have to agree with afds on this one, there are hundreds of the same question so please research first!Www@QuestionHome@Com

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