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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What are some interesting Vampire/Fairy-Tale novels/or a series I could pick up?

Question: What are some interesting Vampire/Fairy-Tale novels/or a series I could pick up!?
I have read Stephanie Meyer, and the Brothers Grim fairy tales!.
I would want vampire novels of that nature!.!.!.or dark-ish sort of novels to the comparison of Brothers Grim!.!.!.sort of creepy, in a woodland sort of landscape!.
Any help given is much appreciated, thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Check out Laurell K Hamilton!.
She has the vampire hunter series focusing on vamp hunter, Anita Blake!.
Then she has the Merry Gentry series, focusing on the older, scarier version of a fairy tale princess!. (More Celtic lore-ish I mean)
If you look on her website, you can read the first chapter of just about every book!. Mind you, the books take a dark turn, and can be very sexual!.

Vampire: Nancy Collins' Sonja Blue series, Anne Rice obviously, Bram Stoker obviously!.

Faeries: anything by Charles de Lint!. Trust me on this and you won't be disappointed, he is a great writer!.

Edit: re: Laurell K!. Hamilton!. I really think she's the real reason the Fantasy/SF section of the book store is full of vampire series, not Anne Rice!. I haven't read her, but at least she sets the trends instead of following them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

read the vampire books by R!.L!.Stine(author), in the fear street sagas!. they really r cool, u can read the vamire book(dracula) by Bram Storker!.
go to 1!.http://www!.amazon!.com/Only-Vampire-Book-!.!.!.

they really r cool and great!.

Laurell K!. Hamilton writes some interesting and very sexy stuff about vampires and were-animals but it's more modern day, in fact, most of the stories take place in St!. Louis Missouri, not in the deep dark woods!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you should try reading THE SILVER KISS by Annette Curtis Klaus!. It's a great great amazing story!. Zoe and Simon!. I read it in highschool and it's right up your alley since you're looking ofr vampire fiction stories!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd recommend the Nebula award winning author Tanith Lee!. She specializes in dark fantasy and I seem to remember her editing a couple of book collections that were horror based on fairy tales!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

These may not be forest-type scenery ,but they are extremly good!. Hope this helps!!!!
Intervew with a vampire by Anne Rice
Vampire Kisses by Elle Schreiber
Cirque Du Freak by Darre Shan
Vampire Diaries by L!. J WilsonWww@QuestionHome@Com

"Twilight" - Novel
"Vampire Knight" - Graphic Novel/AnimeWww@QuestionHome@Com